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Это картинка тропических лесов. Погода в тропиках очень жаркая и влажная. Деревья в тропических лесах вырастают очень высокими. Есть много различных видов деревьев. Некоторые деревья семьдесят метров.
Пол тропического леса совсем темный. Есть много опавших листьев, но не так много зеленых растений.
Листья в верхней части деревьев очень толстые. Они составляют верхний ярус леса. Много животных и птиц живут в верхнем ярусе леса. Более мелкие растения, такие как орхидеи, живут на стволах деревьев в верхнем ярусе. Меньшие растения и новые деревья растут возле рек. Когда дерево падает, новые растения могут расти в этом месте. Однажды было много дождевых лесов. В настоящее время существует не так уж много. Они быстро исчезают.
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НКЦИИ. . Every year, more than 50, 000 species – animals, plants, fish andinsects are lost forever. Thousands of species are endangered and at risk ofdisappearing. Once they are gone, we cannot get them back.The human is the greatest cause of endangerment or loss. Humanactivities increase the speed of extinction of animals, plants, fish andinsects. As the human population and its need for more land and moreresources increases, they may build houses on the habitat of animalsand plants. They cut down trees that support different kind of life. Manyanimals are becoming endangered or extinct. The African elephant, thegorilla, dolphins, the giant panda and the green sea turtle are all examplesof animals whose existence is in danger. Animals become endangeredfor many reasons. In areas where people cannot support themselves byfarming they may be hunted for food (whales), the human may hunt themto protect their livestock (wolves), for sport (lions, tigers) or for the moneythat some part of animal will bring (elephants Every year there are fewerelephants.Moreover, human economic activities like the extraction of oil or coal, factory production or agriculture - all produce pollution that affects plantsor animals. This pollution may change the temperature of the water inwhich animals, fish and plants live, killing them. The pollution may alsopoison animals or kill the plants they eat to survive.5daildu5
Bayanaul National Park is a national park of Kazakhstan located in Pavlodar region. There are four big freshwater
in the park – Sabyndykol, Jasybay, Toraygir and Byrzhankol. Also, there are many smaller lakes, which can dry in a hot season. The largest lake is Sabyndykol, which is called this way because of its soft water, which feels almost soapy. You can find forests, fields and valleys in this
.There are over 50 types of birds and over 40 types of animals live in this area. So, people can observe nature and enjoy a lot of fresh air. Also, people can have a good rest there, swim in the lakes, walk in the valleys and climb up the mountains.