
1 Think of one example of injustice. Do you hate injustice? 2 Who in your family has a good sense of humour? And in your class? 3 Do you know any jokes? Are you good at telling jokes? 4 Do you have good manners? Think of one example of good manners.​

Английский язык



1. Injustice is when rich people take their money from the average citizen. Injustice is expressed in fraud, blackmail, etc.I am neutral to injustice: I cannot say that I just want to kill everyone who praises injustice with their behavior, but I am not a supporter of the belief that injustice is normal and everywhere. 2. In my family, all its members are pretty funny people who know how to correctly and appropriately insert a joke.Yes, I believe that if I am given the task of making a beautiful joke, then I can do it using any kind of humor. 3. Не буду отвечать на первый вопрос. Найдите в интернете шутки. As I said in the last question, I think I can make people laugh pretty well and quickly. Nevertheless, it all depends on my mood, and given that it is changeable at some moments I have no time for jokes. 4. My opinion is this: my parents taught me polite speech, the elimination of curses from it, how to use cutlery correctly, and also how to refuse correctly and without rudeness, or, on the contrary, how to accept people's suggestions. I think this is enough to consider yourself a rather polite person. Примеры приводите сами.


1. In the morning we went for a run to keep fit. 2. During the Great Patriotic War, Russians fought bravely, showing courage and ingenuity. 3. Sooner or later, we always learn about lies. 4.We had fun enjoying the ride. 5. A little puppy faithfully looked at me, and I could not help but take him to my home. 6. We went on an excursion to the temple, which was very far away.


1.Утром мы отправились на пробежку, чтобы поддерживать себя в форме. 2.Во времена Великой Отечественной войны русские храбро сражались, проявляя смелость и смекалку. 3.Рано или поздно, мы всегда узнаём о вранье. 4.Мы весело проводили время, наслаждаясь поездкой. 5.Маленький щенок преданно смотрел на меня, и я не смог не взять его к себе домой. 6.Мы отправились на экскурсию в храм, который находился очень далеко.(вот перевод если что)



How nice in the spring holiday

To dance to the singing of birds!

How good in the land of my darling

We meet Nauryz.

Among all the Kazakh holidays, Nauryz occupies an honorable place. Nauryz is a holiday of spring and the beginning of a new year. Nauryz is celebrated on March 22. In former times, the Kazakhs called the beginning of the New Year the ulys - kuns as the day of the whole tribe.



                                    Как хорошо в весенний праздник                                                                          

                                    Под пенье птиц плясать!

                                     Как хорошо в краю родимом

                                     Нам Наурыз встречать.

Среди всех казахских праздников почётнейшее место занимает Наурыз. Наурыз – это праздник весны и начала нового года. Наурыз отмечается 22 марта. В прежние времена  казахи началом Нового года называли улыс – куны днём всего племени. (перевод если что)

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1 Think of one example of injustice. Do you hate injustice? 2 Who in your family has a good sense of humour? And in your class? 3 Do you know any jokes? Are you good at telling jokes? 4 Do you have good manners? Think of one example of good manners.​
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