2) until 3)for 4)since 5) until 6)for 7)for 8)until 9)since 10)until 11)for 12)until 13)since 14)for
1. He’s got a fish. Has he got a fish? What has he got? 2. It’s an orange.Is it an orange? What is it? 3. He can count the tomatoes. Can he count the tomatoes? What can he do? 4. He likes tomatoes. Does he like tomatoes? What does he like? 5. They like carrots. Do they like carrot? What do they like? 6. She would like some juice. Would she like some juice? What would she like? 7. I’m in Kaluga. Am I in Kaluga? Where Am I? 8. I live in Kaluga.Do you live in Kaluga? Where do you live? 9. I go to Kaluga. Do you go to Kaluga? Where do you go? 10. I can go to Kaluga. Can I go to Kaluga? Where can I go? 11. I would like to go to Kaluga. Would I like to go to Kaluga? Where would you like to go? 12. He works in Kaluga. Does he work in Kaluga? Where does he work?
1. They said they had a lift but very often it didn’t work - Они сказали, что у них есть лифт, но он часто не работает.
2. He asked if I understood what he meant. - Он спросил, понимаю ли я, что он имеет в виду.
3. He warned to be careful crossing roads and to remember that they drove on the left in England - Он предупредил, чтобы быть внимательней, переходя дорогу, и помнить, что в Англии ездят по левой стороне.
4. Mother said the children didn`t have to play with knives. (or:Mother ordered the children not to play with knives.) - Мама сказала, что дети не должны играть с ножами.
5. She said Joan could keep that book, if she liked.- Она сказала, что Джоан может подержать книгу еще, если она хочет.
5) until