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3 241Do kids have losLa school anilorkids from different countries for The RAP survey.7Trevor come from.Is your schoolphrase? Can ysVocabulary and grammaMaximBenTrevorRead the adjectivethem in your WorkExample:Fast is an antongeasythinbigCodyTrevor's visiting the Forward International Holiday Camp not far from Sochi. He's interval1001 Listen without looking at the text and say which countries the kids intervieneThere's a lunch break in Japan and we take turns to serve it to each other. It's fun!ListeningTrevorWhen does school start where you live?Ben:I'm Ben. I'm from the UK. We start school inSeptember.Maxim: My name's Maxim. I'm from Russia. We'reback to school in September too, on the firstof September. It's the same day for bothschoolchildren and university students all overthe country.TrevorDoes anybody start school in spring?YokoYoko: Yes, in Japan we start in April, and so dochildren in Thailand, I have a Thai friend. I'mYoko from Japan.Cody:In Australia we start in February, we live in thesouthern hemisphere for us February is thelast summer month! I'm Cody, my family hasjust moved from Australia to the UK.LucasTrevor: Do you all start school at 8.30, like they do inRussia?Lucas: Oh, no! Lucky Russian students! In Brazil we start as early as 7 a.m.Li Min: In China we also start quite early, but a little later than you doTrevor: Oh, you must get hungry by noon, then. DoyouhaveyourLucas:In Brazil we have to go home to have lunch, we don't have it at school.Li Min: In China we have lunch at school during a break which lasts two hours.Yoko:Trevor: What about uniforms? Do you all have to wear uniforms at school?Yoko: In Japan uniforms are required and there are also many rules for hair styles, shoes, socks, skirt length, make-up, accessories, and more.Li Min: In China it's so different. Yes, there is a school uniform, but in some schools youdon't have to wear it if you don't want to. A uniform for boys and girls is verymuch alike it's a loose sports suit.Trevor:So many countries, so many worlds, each one is different and fascinating! Do youschools have anything in common?Everybody: Yes, they're our home away from home!VocabularyLi Min- 7.30.lunch at school?11T002 LisPListe5Forrn thesouthern hemisphereto serveExampleshortthaVoorth