21 are politicians more friendly than kings and Queens?
22 your Desk is much wider than the table in my room.
23 amber is the funniest student in our class.
24 this city has less tourism than the city where I live.
25 her performance in this film is better than in her last film.
26 Paige's mom is the most interesting person I've met.
27 today is hotter than yesterday.
28 ten kilometers is the longest distance I've ever walked.
29 what is the largest city in the world?
30 of all countries in the world, China has the most people.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
UNIT 1 1. See if you can answer these questions about Russia. Student's Books iv(Lessons 53-57), V (Lesson 5), VI (Units 2, 3, 8) can help you.OCEANA R C T 1 CLAPTEY SEAEST SIBERIANBARENTSNBERING SESEAA ARA SEASt. PetersburgLena21RU24225SSI ANObYenisey9DorMOSCOW4137Samaraº8.2SEA OFOKHOISKVolgeKamaBLIC SEA10Ural1 12 16111YekaterinburgAngara6 Omsko Novosibirsk181723 19Leke Baikal151314LakeCASPIAN20OF JAPAN3 Altai1-22Republics in theRussian Federation1 Caucasus2 Urals (Ural Mountains)4 Mountains of East Siberia1. What is the official name of our country? 2. How many republicsare there in the Russian Federation? 3. Who was the first RussianPresident? 4. What is the highest law of the Russian Federation?5. Who is the Russian President at the moment? Who is the PrimeMinister? 6. When did Russia stop being a monarchy ['monəki] andbecome a republic? 7. What is its capital? What can you say aboutit? 8. Canyou name some other major cities of Russia?9. Russia is the largest country in the world, isn't it? 10. Where arethe Altai and the Caucasus mountains situated? What other Russianmountain chains do you know? 11. Where are the rivers Lena and Obsituated? What other Russian rivers do you know? 12. What are thenames of the seas around our coasts? 13. What do you know aboutLake Baikal? 14. What do you think are the most important eventsin the history of Russia? 15. Can you name any famous people ofRussia? Who are they? What are they famous for? 16. What symbolsof Russia do you know? 17. What do you know about the Russiannational flag? Say why white, blue and red have always been symbolic4 colours in Russia and what they symbolize.F E D E RA
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