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1.       Students do not rise when a teacher enters the room, do they?

2.       The respectful "Sir" is not always used in the northern and western parts of the country, is it?

3.       Yet, in spite of all the informality, Americans, even in the way they address each other, show consciousness of social distinction, don’t they?

4.       Certain other forms of politeness are observed on social occasions, aren’t they?

5.       Does the American society seem to be more or less informal than the British?

6.       Is the American society characterized by less or more social distinction?

7.       Do Americans show consciousness of social distinction?

8.       Is the respectful "Sir" always used in the northern and western parts of the country?

9.       Will you often hear the word "Hi" (a form of greeting among friends) used instead of the usual "Hello"?

10.   Where may women wear hats?

11.   What language do Americans use when talking to superiors?

12.   What is an acceptable greeting from an employee to an employer?

13.   What does "Howdy" mean?

14.   Do you have to allow the person to tell you how he/she wishes to be called?

15.   Does one always address a person by his title, such as "Major" or "General" or "Doctor"?

1.В городе Тольятти (In the city of Togliatti)
2.Мне нравится в Тольятти потому что здесь красиво, весело, везде добрые люди и некогда не бывает скучно.(I like in Togliatti because it's beautiful, fun everywhere, good people and never be bored)
4. Я бы хотела что бы АВТОВАЗ работал как раньше.(I would like AVTOVAZ worked as before.)
5. Обычно я в свободное время гуляю, читаю различные книги и учу уроки.(Usually in my spare time I walk, I read different books and learn the lessons.)
6.Я люблю футбол ведь на нем весело и можно похудеть. Еще я люблю большой теннис на нем очень весело. И ОСОБЕННО Я ЛЮБЛЮ ВОЛЕЙБОЛ ведь на нем интересно.(I love football because it is fun and you can lose weight. I love tennis it is very fun. And ESPECIALLY I LOVE VOLLEYBALL because it is interesting.)
7. Я всегда смотрю разные фильмы иногда комедии иногда ужасы иногда детективы(I always watch different movies sometimes Comedy, sometimes horror, sometimes.)
8.В кино я хожу раза 4 в месяц(I go to the movies 4 times in a month)
9.Мы ходим по магазинам ходим в кино в библиотеку на дискотеку и вообще я люблю проводить время с друзьями.(.We go shopping go to the movies in the library at the disco and I love spending time with friends.)
10.Мы ходим в кино, в театр, в аквопарк и вообще с моей семьей не соскучишься!(We go to the cinema, theater, akvopark and in General my family do not get bored!)

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