“Афтэр”ис зе фёрст бук бай зе райтер,уич иммидэйтли брот хё популярити,зе мэин кэрэктэр оф уич уос Хэрри Стайлс.Зе ресулт ис а мач мор романтик лав стори оф а бой энд гёрл.Эт зе момент,Анна Тод хас олрэди релисд тен букс,энд зе намбер оф фанс оф хё тэлэнт ис зе миллионс.Зе райтс ту филм адаптэйшн оф зе уокрс уер бот бай зе филм компани Авирон Пикчюрс
Ainura Pokhomova
1. I am interested in few things, and I like not a lot of school subjects. For example, I am interested in history because this subject is openning time horisones around me. Just imagine you can take a part in The Tegeran conference, 1945, or see The Boston tea party, 1773. Know I'm saying? Of course you can, just go to a library and take a book there. 2. I like a lot of britain and american authors, but my favorit is Joan Kate Rowling, the author of 'Harry Potter'. Everyone know she wrote seven books for children. Children and adults who red these books know she didn't. Did you read 'Harry Potter'? Did you see these games with your brain madame Ro took? Did you think about Proffessor Dumbledore's part in these games? If you answered 'yes' my first question only, you red books about the boy who lived never. 3. I do nothing. You may disagree, but I think it is not important. I like my body, but if it will be a little fatly or it won't, I won't be sad. 4. The Queen of Great Britain, the leader of United Kingdom, leader-in-law of New Zeland, Canada and some other statements - who is this very important person? Of course you all know this name. Queen Elithabeth II. She began her reign in 1952 and she is reigning nowadays. To 2015 it was anther woman, as well as Elithabeth Victoria was britain. 5. Я не знаю О_о 6. I am. I have PC at home. I often work at computer when I prepare my homework or for have fun. I like to read books at computer just because it is so casual. 7. I can't. In general, I think to have a pet is too difficult for me. I must study and have any private life, and I may not cooperate it both. For last, animals die, and I don't want to cry about it - and yes, I prefer to run against a trouble.
1)Who will go to the wood? My parents will 2)Who will gather mushrooms? Our grandpa will 3)Who will gather berries? I will 4)Who will go and see the elephant? His son will. 5)Who will give the rabbit some grass? My Mum will 6)Who will call in the dog? My brother will 7)What will you do in the zoo? We will see animals 8)What will you see in the country? I will a cow 9)What will they see in the forest? They will see a hare 10)What will you write to her sister about? I will write to her sister about my holidays 11)What will you give your son for his birthday? I will give my son a tablet PC for his birthday 12)What will she call her cat? She will call her cat Pussy 13)What books will you take from the library? I will take love stories from the library 14)What cake will she cook? She will cook Napoleon 15)What dress will you put on? I will put on a red dress 16)What text will they read? They will read an article 17)How many pages will you read for tomorrow? I will read 20 pages for tomorrow 18)How many trees will they plant in spring? They will plant 5 trees in spring 19)How much milk will she drink? She will drink a bottle of milk 20)Where will you go in summer? I will go to the seaside in summer 21)Where will you live next year? I will live at home next year 23)When will they go for mushrooms? They will go to the wood for mushrooms 24)When will she come back from the wood? She will come back from the wood in 5 hours 25)How long will they stay in the forest? They will stay for 5 hours in the forest 26)How long will you work with him? I will work for 5 hours with him 27)At what time will your working day begin tomorrow? My working day will begin at 7 tomorrow 28)Will you get up early or late tomorrow? I will get up early tomorrow 29)When will you have breakfast? I will have breakfast at 7 30)Who will prepare your breakfast for you? My Mum will prepare my breakfast for me 31)Where will you go right after breakfast? I will go to work right after breakfast 32)How will you get to your office(place of work)? I will get to my office by bus 33)How long will it take you to get there? It will take me 30 minutes to get there 34)Whom will you see when you come to your office(colleagues and friends)? I will see my colleagues when I come to my office 35)What will you say when you see them? I will say Hello 36)At what time will you go for lunch? I will go for lunch at 12 37)When will you finish the work? I will finish the work at 6 38)Will you go home after work or will you go to have classes? I will go to have classes 39)In what way will you prepare for your English class? I will read the texts 40)Will you read,write and speak English during your English class? Yes, I will 41)What will you ask your teacher to do if you don't understand anything? I will ask my teacher to help me 42)Where will you go after classes? I will go home after classes 43)Will you be free or busy at the week-end? I will be free at the week-end 44)Will you stay in town or go to the country next Sunday? I will go to the country next Sunday 45)How are you going to spend next Sunday? I will have a picnic 46)Shall we spend our free time together? Yes, we will 47)When will your entrance???
48)Who will help you to prepare for them? My tutor will 49)When will you be able to speak English fluently? I will be able to speak English fluently in 2 years