
D. GRA GrammarComparison of adverbs5 a) 63 Read the examples. How do weform the comparative and superlative ofadverbs? Find more examples in the artideAhon amived later than her sisterDan ote his dinner more quickly than TomGuioresos better than AsselThe football team played worse in the second halfCameron works the hardest in his dassWe dy paint the most beautifully in her familySoule danced the best in the competitionPeter the worst of all the boysb) 10.6.12] Complete the sentences with thecorrect form of the adverb in bold.1 The door squeaks(loudly) inthe winter than in the summer.2 Chris ran(fast) of all therunners3 Miras speaks English(well) than Alisher.4 I did(badly) in the class on theScience test.5 The lecture started(early) thanwe had expected6 I still have the flu, but I feel(little) ill than yesterday.7 Kevin played(well) of all thebasketball team.8 Akbota read the instructions(carefully) than the rest of the class.​

Английский язык


1) There are many classes in a large school.
2) City of London or New-York.
3) In London there are a lot police.
4) How much you want to toast?
5) Many peopleare not happy about it.
6) Some of the children are in the yard.
7) It is a rich lady.
8) Our computers are very expensive.
9) The book  is very interesting.
10) Many small villages are very good.
11) Let me give you some advise.
12) Theres a lot of furniture in the room: three tables, four chairs  and a sideboard for dishes.
13) A woman has two sons.
14) Fruits are good for our health.
15) He liked a lot of interesting information.
16) There are many dishes in the cupboard.
Кант тейк май айз оф ю 
юд би лайк ˈхевн ту тач 
ай ˈуонэ хоулд ю соу мач 
эт лон ласт лав хэз эˈрайвд 
энд ай сэнк год айм эˈлайв 
юэ джаст ту гуд ту би тру 
кант тейк май айз оф ю 

Furdon зэ уэй зэт ай стеэ 
зеэз ˈнасин елс ту кэмˈпеэ 
зэ сайт ов ю ливз ми уик 
зеэр а ноу уёдз лефт ту спик 
бат иф ю фил лайк ай фил 
лет ми ноу зэт итс риэл 
юэ джаст ту гуд ту би тру 
кант тейк май айз оф ю 

(ˈкорэс 2) 
ай лав ю ˈбейби 
энд иф итс куайт ол райт 
ай нид ю ˈбейби 
ту уом май ˈлоунли найт ай лав ю ˈбейби 
траст ин ми уэн ай сей 
оу, ˈприти ˈбейби 
доунт брин ми дaун ай прей оу, ˈприти ˈбейби 
нaу зэт ай фaунд ю, стей энд лет ми лав ю 
ˈбейби лет ми лав ю..

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D. GRA GrammarComparison of adverbs5 a) 63 Read the examples. How do weform the comparative and superlative ofadverbs? Find more examples in the artideAhon amived later than her sisterDan ote his dinner more quickly than TomGuioresos better than AsselThe football team played worse in the second halfCameron works the hardest in his dassWe dy paint the most beautifully in her familySoule danced the best in the competitionPeter the worst of all the boysb) 10.6.12] Complete the sentences with thecorrect form of the adverb in bold.1 The door squeaks(loudly) inthe winter than in the summer.2 Chris ran(fast) of all therunners3 Miras speaks English(well) than Alisher.4 I did(badly) in the class on theScience test.5 The lecture started(early) thanwe had expected6 I still have the flu, but I feel(little) ill than yesterday.7 Kevin played(well) of all thebasketball team.8 Akbota read the instructions(carefully) than the rest of the class.​
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