1. i am glad to work with you.
2. ann seems is discussing a very important problem now.
3. he seemed not to understand what i told him.
4. she hates to wear a suit.
5. we wanted are recognized by them at once.
1. стоящая у окна девушка-моя сестра
2.вопрос,обсуждаемый сейчас, важен
3.он не любит вареное молоко
4.он вернулся домой после двухмесячного путешествия по европе
5.письмо,написанное им, было длинным
1. reading is useful.
2. children like being read by adults.
3. please, begin reading the text.
4. i remember having read the letter recently.
5. when we came home his son was busy having read a book.
6. we get much information by reading.
industrial action-промышленная деятельность
danger bonus- премия за риск
enhanced pension-повышенные пенсионные льготы
to satisfy the demands-удовлетворить требования
toll-booth-городская тюрьма
to promote the demands-выдвигать требования
to be brought- быть принесенным
into line with-сопоставить с чем-либо
to carry out duties-исполнять обязанности
work to rule-работать чтобы править
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
НАПИШИТЕ ЛЮБЫХ 23 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ можно цитаты из книг, модно предложения про то, что было на ужин, какая погода либо чем ты сегодня занимался
The weather is cold
I have been in London
Do you have a book?
She doesn't write a Letter.
I rode on a bike yesterday
In summer birds fly south
I Drink coffe in the morning
Does He Drink TEA?
Have you beeh in Island?
I am eating an Apple AT the Moment
I made a mistake
I will go to school today
She is so pretty
Do you went to the library on the last week?
Sorry, i'm late
Can i sit AT my plase?
John is handsome
She has got a Lot of freckles
Where I can to take a Bus to airport?
Who is cooked there?
I have got pale skin
Today I have Sandwich and coffe on breakfast.
Hello, my Name is Tatiana Alexandrovna. I am your New teacher