
Упр. 246. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite Activeили Present Indefinite Passive. .1. Он каждый день рассказывает нам что-нибудьинтересное. 2. Ему каждый день рассказывают что-нибудь интересное. 3. Я часто посылаю письма друзь-ям. 4. Меня часто посылают на юг. 5. Я всегда хвалюМоих друзей, 6. Менявсегдадома.7. Каждую субботу папа показывает дедушке Моисценки. 6. Каждую субботу папе показывают моиоценки. 9. Мы часто вспоминаем вас. 10. Нас частовспоминают в деревне. 11. Мне дают сок каждое утро12. Каждое утро я даю кошке молоко. 13. Меня частоприглашают в кино. 14. Моей сестре часто вшколе. 15. Я иногда забываю взять дневник. 16. Онпишет много писем. 17. Книги А. Кристи читают с интересом. 18. Собаки любят кости. 19. Собак любят вомногих семьях. 20. Когда в вашей семье пьют чай?21. Где хранят старые письма? 22. Почему эти прави-ла всегда забывают? 23. Почему вы всегда забываетеэти правила? 24. Где живут ваши друзья? 25. Где по-купают хлеб? 26. Когда задают вопросы?​

Английский язык


1. He tells us something interesting every day.
2. Something interesting is told to him every day.
In this sentence, "he" is the subject of the verb "tell," so it is in the active voice. To change it into the passive voice, we use the form "is/are + past participle" and make "something interesting" the subject.
3. I often send letters to my friends.
4. I am often sent to the south.
In sentence 3, "I" is the subject of the verb "send," so it is in the active voice. To change it into the passive voice, we use the form "am/are/is + past participle" and make "letters" the object. In sentence 4, "I" is again the subject, so it remains the same in both active and passive voice.
5. I always praise my friends.
6. I am always praised at home.
In sentence 5, "I" is the subject of the verb "praise," so it is in the active voice. To change it into the passive voice, we use the form "am/are/is + past participle" and make "my friends" the object. In sentence 6, "I" is again the subject, so it remains the same in both active and passive voice.
7. Every Saturday, my dad shows my skits to my grandpa.
8. Every Saturday, my grades are shown to my dad.
Here, "my dad" is the subject of the verb "show" in the active voice. To change it into the passive voice, we use the form "are/is + past participle" and make "my skits" the object. In sentence 8, "my dad" becomes the subject in the passive voice, while "my grades" remain the same.
9. We often remember you.
10. We are often remembered in the village.
In sentence 9, "we" is the subject of the verb "remember," so it is in the active voice. To change it into the passive voice, we use the form "are/ is + past participle" and make "you" the object. In sentence 10, "we" is again the subject, so it remains the same in both active and passive voice.
11. I am given juice every morning.
12. I give milk to the cat every morning.
In sentence 11, "I" is the object of the verb "give," so it is in the passive voice. To change it into the active voice, we use the form "am/are/is + verb" and make "juice" the subject. In sentence 12, "I" is the subject of the verb "give," so it is in the active voice.
13. I am often invited to the movies.
14. My sister is often watched in school.
In sentence 13, "I" is the object of the verb "invite," so it is in the passive voice. To change it into the active voice, we use the form "am/are/is + verb" and make "movies" the subject. In sentence 14, "my sister" is the subject of the verb "watch," so it is in the active voice.
15. I sometimes forget to take my diary.
16. He writes a lot of letters.
In sentence 15, "I" is the subject of the verb "forget," so it is in the active voice. In sentence 16, "he" is the subject of the verb "write," so it is also in the active voice.
17. Agatha Christie's books are read with interest.
18. Dogs like bones.
In sentence 17, "Agatha Christie's books" is the subject of the verb "read," so it is in the passive voice. In sentence 18, "dogs" is the subject of the verb "like," so it is in the active voice.
19. Dogs are loved in many families.
20. When do you drink tea in your family?
In sentence 19, "dogs" is the subject of the verb "love," so it is in the passive voice. In sentence 20, "you" is the subject of the verb "drink," so it is in the active voice.
21. Where are old letters kept?
22. Why are these rules always forgotten?
In sentence 21, "old letters" is the subject of the verb "keep," so it is in the passive voice. In sentence 22, "these rules" is the subject of the verb "forget," so it is in the passive voice.
23. Why do you always forget these rules?
24. Where do your friends live?
In sentence 23, "you" is the subject of the verb "forget," so it is in the active voice. In sentence 24, "your friends" is the subject of the verb "live," so it is in the active voice.
25. Where is bread bought?
26. When are questions asked?
In sentence 25, "bread" is the subject of the verb "buy," so it is in the passive voice. In sentence 26, "questions" is the subject of the verb "ask," so it is in the active voice.

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Упр. 246. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite Activeили Present Indefinite Passive. .1. Он каждый день рассказывает нам что-нибудьинтересное. 2. Ему каждый день рассказывают что-нибудь интересное. 3. Я часто посылаю письма друзь-ям. 4. Меня часто посылают на юг. 5. Я всегда хвалюМоих друзей, 6. Менявсегдадома.7. Каждую субботу папа показывает дедушке Моисценки. 6. Каждую субботу папе показывают моиоценки. 9. Мы часто вспоминаем вас. 10. Нас частовспоминают в деревне. 11. Мне дают сок каждое утро12. Каждое утро я даю кошке молоко. 13. Меня частоприглашают в кино. 14. Моей сестре часто вшколе. 15. Я иногда забываю взять дневник. 16. Онпишет много писем. 17. Книги А. Кристи читают с интересом. 18. Собаки любят кости. 19. Собак любят вомногих семьях. 20. Когда в вашей семье пьют чай?21. Где хранят старые письма? 22. Почему эти прави-ла всегда забывают? 23. Почему вы всегда забываетеэти правила? 24. Где живут ваши друзья? 25. Где по-купают хлеб? 26. Когда задают вопросы?​
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