Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Srad Complete the dialogue using today's phrasal verbs and other travel phrasal verbs you know. Task # 3 -Hi, how are your doings? - Good, what about you? I am doing well. I heard Alex is coming soon. gets in ... Great. set off Yeah, definitely. It's 2 o'clock now. Wonderful. Sure, why not. Oh, nice .. Super! ... check out. take off. ... .. pick up? see off.
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную, временные формы глаголов сдвигаются на шаг в кроме следующих случаев:
1. Слова автора в настоящем или будущем времени: He will say that he has been there before.
2. Действие в Past Perfect (Continuous) или Future-in-the-Past: He said that he felt happy after he had done it.
3. Обстоятельства времени не изменились: He said that he bought it yesterday.
4. Выражение всегда верно: The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.
5. Выражение верно длительный период времени: He said that he loves you.
6. Сообщение повторяется сразу: He said that the food is delicious.
7. Условные предложения 2 типа: He said that if he were you, he wouldn’t do it.
8. Желаемые события: She said she wished she were younger.
9. Глаголы should, ought to: She was said that he ought to quit smoking.
10. Must, если это совет, предположение или приказ: He guessed that they must be at home.
Временные формы могут не изменяться в случае:
1. Когда непосредственно указано время действия: They said that they began/had begun studying English in 2010.
2. Когда косвенно указано время действия: She said that she met/had met him when they were neighbours.
3. Когда излагающий согласен с мнением цитируемого: He said that India is a rich country.
(при несогласии: He said that India was a rich country).
При сдвиге временной формы глагола в в косвенной речи, по ситуации, изменяются обстоятельства места и времени, местоимения, а также, происходит отстранение от эмоций:
this – that, these – those, here – there, now - then (at that moment, at once, immediately), come – go, today – (on) that day, yesterday – the day before(earlier), tomorrow - (on) the next (following) day, last week – the week before, ago - before(earlier), next week – the next (following) week, now that – since, so – very, yes/no – answered in the positive/negative, he - that man, we - they.
Если из прямой речи лицо не известно, используется местоимение they, а в словах автора wanted to know:
He said: “Come here”. – He told them to come up to him.
He said: “Where are you going?” – He wanted to know/wondered where they we going.
Кроме слова said используются глаголы, выражающие характер прямой речи:
Для передачи общих вопросов используется if или whether.
Вопросительные предложения передаются с прямым порядком слов: He asked me if/whether they were at home.
В вопросительном предложении с глаголом-связкой порядок слов может быть обратным: He asked me what was the price.