
1 Match the illnesses and injuries with the treatments. 1 virus a antibiotics 2 chest infection b throat sweets / painkillers 3 heartburn C X-ray 4 sore throat d antacids 5 sprain e antiseptic cream 6 fracture f bandage / anti-inflammatories 7 cut g antihistamine 8 bee sting h rest and lots of liquids

Английский язык


Хабарьева Андрей1056

Масленица – праздник языческий. И первоначально ее празднование на Руси было связано, по одним версиям, с прославлением бога Солнца Ярилы, по другим - "скотьего бога" Велеса.

В древние времена этот день был одним из тех, что осмыслить течение времени - смена сезонов обросла множеством примет и ритуалов. Масленица была одним из них - праздновали уходящую зиму и надеялись на скорое тепло. Гуляния всегда сопровождались огнем - горящие костры, колеса и чучело были главными атрибутами Масленицы и отзвуками культа солнца, царившего на Руси

Shrovetide is a pagan holiday. And initially its celebration in Russia was associated, according to some versions, with the glorification of the sun god Yarila, according to others - the "cattle god" Veles.

In ancient times, this day was one of those that help to comprehend the passage of time - the change of seasons was overgrown with many signs and rituals. Shrovetide was one of them - they celebrated the outgoing winter and hoped for an early warmth. Festivities were always accompanied by fire - burning bonfires, wheels and a scarecrow were the main attributes of Maslenitsa and echoes of the cult of the sun that reigned in Russia.


Буду благодарен если поставишь лучший ответ, я старался ❤️❤️❤️


1.     He always has great interview                                            __No__

2.     He thinks that talking about experiences is good               __Yes__

3.     At interview you must to be uncertain                         __No__      

4.     The first view is very important                                   ___Yes_     

5.     Interviewer has to think that you are the best person     __Yes___

Task 2. Vocabulary. Complete the sentences

Doubles, professional, get, appearances, looks

1.     I want to getan autograph from my favorite actor

2.     David Beckham is a professional football player

3.     Jane ___Doubles like her mum

4.     Andy Hammer often __looksfor David Beckham when he can’t be there

5.     He makes ___appearances in TV commercials and films

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1 Match the illnesses and injuries with the treatments. 1 virus a antibiotics 2 chest infection b throat sweets / painkillers 3 heartburn C X-ray 4 sore throat d antacids 5 sprain e antiseptic cream 6 fracture f bandage / anti-inflammatories 7 cut g antihistamine 8 bee sting h rest and lots of liquids
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