
12 предложений о британцах на английском​

Английский язык



1.The British live in England. 2. The British love to drink tea. 3. Members of the British royal family wear medieval clothes during the coronation. 4. The English are naturally polite and never tire of saying “Please” and “Thank you”. 5. the British love gardening and love to talk about it. 6. Since 1937, it has been customary for the British in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire to weigh the mayor and his advisers. It sounds strange, but it is. 7. The English are inherently couch potatoes. ..they do not like noisy campaigns in cafes, but prefer to spend time at home by the fireplace. 8. Particularly noteworthy is the theme of animals in England. The fact is that according to the number of cats, dogs and parrots per inhabitant, England occupies one of the first places in the world. 9. On weekends, the British love to go out into nature from the hustle and bustle of cities. 10. Also on Saturday nights, the British love to go to the cinema. 11. The British are sensitive to privacy. ..they have strict rules for respecting personal boundaries. 12. In the UK, people are divided into classes based on origin, parenting and upbringing. Class is important information about a person in the UK


Перевод : 1.британцы проживают в Англии . 2. Британцы любят пить чай . 3. Члены королевской британской семьи надевают средневековую одежду во время коронации . 4.Англичане от природы вежливы и никогда не устают говорить “Please” и “Thank you”. 5. Британцы любят садоводство и обожают о нем говорить . 6. С 1937 года у Британцев в городе Хай-Уиком, Бакингемшир, принято взвешивать мэра и его советников.Это звучит странно , но это так. 7.Англичане по своей сути являются домоседами. Они не любят шумных кампаний в кафе , а предпочитают провести время дома у камина . 8.Особого внимания заслуживает и тема про животных в Англии. Дело в том, что по количеству кошек, собак и попугаев,приходящихся на одного жителя, Англия занимает одно из первых мест в мире. 9.По выходным англичане любят выезжать на природу от суеты городов. 10. Так же в субботу вечером англичане любят ходить в кинотеатры. 11.Британцы трепетно относятся к частной жизни. У них есть строгие правила соблюдения личных границ. 12. В Великобритании люди делятся на классы в зависимости от происхождения , родителей и воспитания.Классовая принадлежность – важная информация о человеке в Великобритании.


I am writing in response to an article in the newspaper on the design of the fair and I want to offer you some ideas.

I recommend you to find a beautiful area for the fair and think about how to decorate it. I think it would be a good idea to make a beautiful entrance and decorate it with balloons. You can also make some announcements in newspapers so that more people will know about the fair. I think it would be a great idea to create interesting and creative stands on the tables. This will certainly attract the attention of buyers.

If you don't mind, my friends and I want to help you to organize this event.

I really hope that you will consider my suggestions and I will look forward to your response very much.


Hello , Jack ! How are you ? What are you doing? Do you have any friends? I have , it is are : Arlan , Sveta , Jessica and you . in a single word, of course, it's all - Friendship. Everyone has their own understanding of friendship, but mine is devotion and responsibility. I really appreciate my friends, because they are my support. My friends are all from different districts of the world, but I really appreciate and love all of you. Every person needs a friend - a person who is close to you in spirit, someone with whom it is interesting to spend time. A friend is that person who will support you both in sorrow and in joy, who will always try to help with advice and deed . We all need communication and that is why we need faithful and close friends.However, in the modern world, sincere and pure friendship does not occur so often, or rather, extremely rarely. For many, self-interest and the acquisition of benefits from friendship with a particular person are more important. Such people constantly pretend to be your friend, and after they get everything they wanted from you, they almost immediately disappear from the circle of friends, and sometimes they become enemies. In order to prevent such situations in life from happening, you need to carefully choose your friends.True friendship will withstand all trials, it is not afraid of years. On the contrary, over time, friendship becomes stronger, and loyal, reliable friends are closer to each other. Even if there is a quarrel or discord, true friends will always find a way out of this situation and make up, no matter what.

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