1. When will be the next election 2. What did you do yesterday at this time? I wrote the report 3. It did not say at the meeting yesterday 4. If the manager does not come, the issue will not be discussed 5. At fairs famous firms stands attracted the attention of many visitors. 6. The product was delivered on time, is not it? 7. This model is easy to operate and not very expensive 8. I wonder whether the collection of pictures sent to Paris? 9. Who shall be elected by secret ballot? 10. He said that the show is full of visitors from morning till evening
She has long wavy red hair. – У неё длинные волнистые рыжие волосы.He is short-haired. – У него короткие волосы. She has straight medium length hair. Her hair is brown. – У неё прямые волосы средней длины. Она шатенка.She has shoulder length curly hair. Her hair color is fair. – У неё волнистые волосы средней длины. Цвет её волос – светлый.She has short dark hair. – У неё короткие тёмные волосы.Глаза Almond – миндалевидные.Round – круглые.Asian/upturned – азиатские (приподнятые уголки).Downturned – опущенные уголки.Close-set – широко посаженные.Wide-set – близко посаженные.Hooded – с нависающими веками.Deep-set – глубоко посаженные.Protruding – выпуклые. Форма лица Oval – овальная.Round – круглая.Long – продолговатая. ФигураSlender – стройный.Petite – изящный, маленького роста.Overweight – с избыточным весом.Plump – полный.Athletic – атлетического телосложения.Skinny – худощавый.Of medium build – среднего телосложения.
16. Did they got a car? Yes, they did
Did she got a bike? Yes, she got
Is the bike new? Yes, it is
Are the cars new? Yes, they are
Do they drive well? Yes, they do
17. Do they ski in winter?
Yes they do
Does she skate in winter
Yes she does
Does he make snowmen in winter?
Yes he does
Does Bill dives in summer
Yes he does
Do they play volleyball in summer
Yes, they do
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