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I have many friends . One of my best friend is ( напиши имя друга ). He is a good and kind friend . We like play computer games , watch tv , and study together. We are friends from a long time .I am happy to have such a good and best friend as ( имя друга ) У меня много друзей . Один из моих лучших друзей Напиши имя друга ) . Он очень хороший и открытый друг. мы любим играть компьютерные игры смотреть телевизор и учится вместе . Мы дружим уже давно. Я счастлив что у меня такой хороший друг как ( имя друга )
I have a friend from Kiev. He arrives in Russa only once a year. I miss him very much. So, when he came to me this summer I was really very happy! I decided to show him my city. We went to the main squere, and he found it very beautiful. Then we visited cinema Aurora and went to the fountains. It was very hot outside and he asked me to go to the aquapark with him. That was funny! We swam a lot, lied in the sun, ate ice cream. In the evening we went to the theatre with him and my parents. The "Three sisters" by Chechov was on. We had a great pleasure from watching it. In the morning of the other day my friend went to his relatives, who also live in Russia. I was so sadly to say him goodbye. Now I miss him, but that was the best day of the year!