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the land and the people of great britain
the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland (the uk) is the official name of the state which is situated in the british isles. thus, “great britain” is often the same as “britain” and refers1 only to scotland, england and wales. the “united kingdom”, or the “uk” includes northern ireland. it consists of four countries which are england, scotland, wales and northern ireland. you can see them on the map. their capitals are london, edinburgh, cardiff and belfast.
the uk is an island state. the two main islands are great britain (where england, scotland and wales are situated) and ireland. northern ireland and the independent irish republic are there. the two islands are separated by the irish sea.
the uk is separated from the continent by the english channel and the straits of dover. once the british isles used to be a part of the continent. the nearest point to europe is the straits of dover. the uk is also washed by the atlantic ocean in the north and the north sea in the east.
everyone who was born in britain is british. people from england are english. people from scotland, wales or northern ireland are not english. they are scottish or scots; welsh and irish. people from scotland and wales don’t like it when they are called english but they are british.
more than 56 million people live in britain. many of them live in big industrial cities like london. manchester and liverpool, for example, are big industrial cities in the centre of england. but foreigners are often surprised by the fact that much of the land in britain is open country. there are many lonely hills, quiet rivers, deep lakes and farmlands especially in the south of the country.
everyone in britain speaks english, but in some parts of scotland and wales people speak different languages as well.
the welsh are especially proud of their language. they like to speak welsh, to sing songs in welsh and when you travel you can see road signs in welsh all over wales.
everyone in the uk speaks english but they all speak it differently. a scottish person has to listen carefully if he wants to understand a londoner or a welsh person.
as you know, the flag of the united kingdom is known as the union jack. it is made up of three crosses: the cross of st. george (the patron saint1 of england), the cross of st. andrew (the patron saint of scotland) and the cross of st. patrick (the patron saint of
Вероятнее всего, здесь есть знаки препинания. Я перепишу полностью этот текст вставляя знаки препинания, и переведу его на русский.
My Version:
A large number of teachers in our school intends to take part in the conference. I was the first person who have arrived before others got arrived lately.
Большое количество учителей нашей школы намерены принять участие в конференции. Я был первым человеком который приехал раньше других (на конференцию).
Разбор ошибок:
По хорошему, этот текст нужно переписать потому что он не логичен и очень много ошибок, как грамматических, так и логических.
1) "A number of teachers" - В данном контексте нехватает слова large, потому что без него, это звучит не логично.
2) "I was the first person to arrive" - Это звучит очень странно, поэтому я бы предпочел использовать относительное местоимение "Who", чтобы хоть как-то смягчить предложение.
3) "Got delayed and they arrived lately" - Тут я нашел сразу 2 ошибки. Во первых, Delay - правильный глагол, поэтому второй глагол рядом никак не может менять своё время, тем более стоять рядом, потому что это правильный глагол. Во вторых, в переводе, эти две фразы звучат как (Другие имели задержку и они прибыли позднее). Это категорически неправильно, поэтому советую переписать мой текст сверху и получить хорошую оценку!
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Надо найти грамматические ошибки The English is the most important language in the world. The largest country in the world are English-speaking. They are the USA, the Canada, the Australia and the Great Britain. English is the forth most spoken language after Chinese, Hindi and Spanish with 380 million speakers. In 71 countries it is the official language. By his origin English belongs to Germanic languages of the Indo-European family. English has become an international language due to its significance in much areas, such as industry, business, finance and agriculture.
English is the most important language in the world. The largest countries in the world are English-speaking. These are the USA, Canada, Australia, and the Great Britain. English is the fourth most widely spoken language after Chinese, Hindi and Spanish with 380 million speakers. It is an official language in 71 countries. By its origin, English belongs to the Germanic languages of the Indo-European family. English has become an international language due to its significance in many areas such as industry, business, finance, and agriculture.