1 Usually i have my lunch at home.
2 this is usually a sandwich with eggs and tea.
3 Because all are busy with their chores.
4 Usually i cover our table to help my mother.5
5 Usually my Sunday dinner cosists two courses, that the first hot dish and second desert.
6 I like mushroom soup.
7 yesterday I had delicious desert .
8 Because i have been the case
9 In order to not disturb the stomach at night
10 yes it is
11 usually at 6.30 or 7.30
12 I like light meal and fruits and yogurts.
13 i have light supper
14 Usually I read a book or watch TV
15 Because usually I have home work.
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N.I. LOBACHEVSKY (1792-1856) N.I. Lobachevsky is a great Russian mathematician and the creator of non-Euclidean geometry.1 He was born on December 1, 1792 inNizhni Novgorod in a poor family. When N. Lobachevsky was a child, his father died and the family moved to Kazan. There the boy learned at the "gymnasium" from 1802 to 1807 and in 1807 he entered KazanUniversity. At the University N.I. Lobachevsky spent the next forty years of his life as a student, professor and rector. Lobachevsky became interested in2mathematics when he was still a schoolboy and he remained true to this science all his life long. Lobachevsky did a lot to make KazanUniversity a first-rate4 educational institution of that time. At the same time he made extensive researches into mathematics. On February 23, 1826 a great event took place at KazanUniversity. N.I. Lobachevsky presented a paper "A Brief Outline of the Principles of Geometry Strictly Demonstrating the Theorem of Parallel Lines." 5That day a new geometrical system, the so-called non-Euclidean geometry was born. In the paper he attacked the theory which was the basis of geometry for 2, 000 years and made a real revolution in mathematics. In the years that followed Lobachevsky wrote a number of6 works in the field of algebra and mathematical analysis. However, nearly nobody understood and recognized his works at that time. They were recognized only twelve years after his death. Lobachevsky's ideas greatly influenced the development not only of geometry and other mathematical sciences, but also mechanics, physics and astronomy. One British mathematician called Lobachevsky "Copernicus of Geometry". Notes 1. non-Euclidean geometry—неэвклидовагеометрия. Эвклид — (4—5 ВВ. Н.Э.) древнегреческий философ 2. to become interested in — (за)интересоваться 3. to remain true to — оставатьсяверным(чему-л.) 4. first-rate — первоклассный 5. "A Brief Outline of the Principles of Geometry Strictly Demonstrating the Theorem of Parallel Lines" — «» 6. a number of— несколько
моя улюблена група "Linkin Park". Вони співають в різних стилях, таких як: альтернатива, новий метал, важкий метал і рок. Мені подобається ця група через хороших текстів і незвичайних музичних рішень. Ця група була сформована в 1996 році вони випустили 9 альбомів. Мені подобаються всі їхні пісні без винятку. Моя улюблена пісня "In The End". Є шість чоловік в цій групі: Честер Беннінгтон, Майк Шинода, Роб Бурдон, Девід Фарелл, Бред Делсон і Джо Hahn. Найвідоміший людина з групи Честер Беннінгтон. Він дуже талановитий. Крім того, я люблю його, тому що він подолав свою наркоманію і зробив свою музичну кар'єру. В даний час він зайняв 27-е місце в списку хіт-параду "100 всіх часів топ металевих вокалістів важкі". Він пише вірші і складає музику.