Мой любимый школьный предмет физкультура.Там мы бегаем и играем,выполняем подвижные задания.Тренируемся,переодеваемся в свободную физкультурную одежду.Порой нам это даже нужно,потому что все необходимое для спорто содержится в школе на фискультуре.
My favorite school subject is physical education. There we run and play, we perform mobile tasks. We train, we change into free physical culture clothes. Sometimes we even need it, because everything necessary for sports is contained in the school on fisculature.
Part 1. 1)...study at the Lesgaft State University ? 2) Does Jack play hockey ? 3) Do yo want to be famous? 4) Do you have training sessions/ training sessions five times a week ? 5) Does she train in the sports center ? 6) Do you train under a coach ? 7) Do you often win prizes ? 8) Do you exercises every morning ? 9) Do they often fake part in city competitions ?
Part 2. 1) Where do you live ? 2) How often you have training sessions ? 3) Where you usually have dinner ? 4) Where you study English ? 5) What time she phone me ? 6) How often it rain in St. Petersburg ? 7) How much money they have ? 8) What kind of books he like to read ?
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надо дать утвердительный ответ в the Present Perfect Tense. Усползовать just
4. Yes, i just have been finished repair it
5. Jane is sad to have gotten a bad mar
6. Yes, its warm. I just cooked it.
7. My room is clean. I just have cleaned it
8. Yes, i just have heard it