
Task 1, Look at the photo. Why do hippos sleep in the water ? hippos Wild hippopotamuses live in central Africa. They're All about big and fat. They have small eyes, small ears and short legs. They also have very big teeth! Adult hippos are usually three to four metres long, and by Sam Wilson they run very fast! Hippos often sleep in water during the day because the water is cool. They usually come out of the water at night and eat. They only eat plants. They can eat up to 40 kg of grass in one night, and they sometimes travel up to 10 km to find food, Hippos are very dangerous. Every year they kill hundreds of people!

Английский язык



Hippos often sleep in water because the water is cool


The Amur tiger is an amazing animal listed in the Red book. They live along the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. The Amur tiger is traditionally considered the largest living member of the cat family. In 1940 (nineteen forty), their number declined sharply. By the end of 1941 (nineteen forty-one), there were only 30 tigers. But thanks to human actions, currently 500 (five hundred) individuals live in the wild. Let's appreciate and protect nature!

Амурский тигр - удивительное животное, занесенное в Красную книгу. Они живут по берегам рек Амур и Уссури в Хабаровском и Приморском краях. Амурский тигр традиционно считается самым крупным живым представителем семейства кошачьих. В 1940 году (тысяча девятьсот сороковом) их число резко сократилось. К концу 1941 года (тысяча девятьсот сорок первого) было только 30 тигров. Но благодаря действиям человека, в настоящее время в дикой природе живут по 500 (пятьсот) особей. Давайте ценить и беречь природу!

Amur tiger (also known as Ussuri, Siberia or East Siberian tiger) One of the smaller tiger subspecies, the most northern tiger. Listed in the Red Book. Tiger habitat is concentrated in a protected area in the south-east of Russia, on the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai, all in Russia in 1996, there were about 415-476 individuals. About 10% (40-50 individuals) Amur tiger lives in China (Manchuria). Most of all, Ussuri tigers are common in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin mountain range in the Lazo region of Primorsky Krai, where the relatively small area lives every six wild Siberian tiger (2003). Expected to settle tigers in Pleistocene Park in Yakutia. The languages of the Amur tiger instead of a direct determination "Taskhu" (Tiger) is often called "Amba" (large), so as not to invite disaster.

In zoos the world on February 20, 2007 containing 450 individuals (844 individuals as of 1 January 1979).

Tiger - a large, exotically colored cat, along with Bengal (Indian) tiger subspecies is also one of the strongest and most powerful land-based predators of the planet and also as Bengali leader in power among cats. Body length tiger reaches 3 meters (with a tail), the height at the shoulders and 115 cm, and weight up to 275 kg, in some cases up to 300 kg. (Tiger grows all his life, and this weight may reach old age). Ussuriytsa normal adult male, the average weight of 200-220 kg with an increase in the 90-106 cm tiger - an animal easily vulnerable, despite its large size and great physical strength, and it is such that it can traipse the carcass of a horse more than 500 m . the snow it is capable of speeds up to 50 km / h Despite the common perception of cannibalism, the Amur tiger is almost never attack humans and rarely comes to the settlements. In fact, he tried to avoid the man. Since 1950 the Primorsky and Khabarovsk regions within settlements were only about a dozen attempts to attack a person. In the taiga attack even pursuing hunters are rare.

Listed in the Red Book of Russia. In April 2007, experts from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) announced that the population of tigers has reached hundred high and that Tiger is no longer on the verge of extinction

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Task 1, Look at the photo. Why do hippos sleep in the water ? hippos Wild hippopotamuses live in central Africa. They're All about big and fat. They have small eyes, small ears and short legs. They also have very big teeth! Adult hippos are usually three to four metres long, and by Sam Wilson they run very fast! Hippos often sleep in water during the day because the water is cool. They usually come out of the water at night and eat. They only eat plants. They can eat up to 40 kg of grass in one night, and they sometimes travel up to 10 km to find food, Hippos are very dangerous. Every year they kill hundreds of people!
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