3 Outstanding-more outstanding-the most outstanding
Poor-poorer-the poorest
Hot-hotter- the hottest
Little-less-the least
Rational-more rational- the most rational
Large- larger- the largest
4 Who has breakfast in the kitchen?
What do we have in the kitchen?
Where do we have breakfast?
We have breakfast in the kitchen, don't we?
Do we have breakfast in the kitchen?
Do we have breakfast in the kitchen or in the dining-room?
Do we have breakfast or dinner in the kitchen?
Своё название скалы получили от города Дувр, по обе стороны которого они расположены. Дуврские скалы благодаря яркому цвету видны с французского мыса Гри-Не («Серого мыса») . Высота скал достигает 107 м. Хотя подобные меловые скалы не редкость для юго-востока Англии, именно Дуврские являются наиболее популярными. Им посвящено множество произведений.
Дуврские Белые скалы издавна служили среди моряков символом приближения к берегам Англии. Именно Белым скалам Англия обязана римским названием «Альбион» («albus» — «белый») .
1 I have never been to Moscow before.
I was in Moscow last year.
2 Schools.Children.Sizes.Patches. Buses.Sentries.Fish. Pens.
3 Outstanding-more outstanding-the most outstanding
Poor-poorer-the poorest
Hot-hotter- the hottest
Little-less-the least
Rational-more rational- the most rational
Large- larger- the largest
4 Who has breakfast in the kitchen?
What do we have in the kitchen?
Where do we have breakfast?
We have breakfast in the kitchen, don't we?
Do we have breakfast in the kitchen?
Do we have breakfast in the kitchen or in the dining-room?
Do we have breakfast or dinner in the kitchen?