1. Составьте комбинации слов и переведите:
steam-driven engine - паровой двигатель
Front bumper - передний бампер
petrol cap - крышка бензобака
wheel arch - арка колеса
exhaust pipe - выхлопная труба
the four-stroke cycle - четырёхтактный цикл
wing mirror - зеркало заднего вида
brakes are applied - включены тормоза
fuel system - топливная система
8. Определите залог (Active/Passive) и время глагола (Present/ Past) в следующих предложениях
1. The automobile is made up of three basic parts. - Present Simple Passive
2. The engine makes the wheels rotate and the car move. - Present Simple Active
3. The first car was designed by Karl Benz. - Past Simple Passive
4. He devoted his life to making a horseless carriage. - Past Simple Active
5. The cars are subjected to rigid road tests. - Present Simple Passive
1. he won't pass the exam if you don't help him prepare.
2. As soon as the guests gather, we will tell them the news.
3. When will you know the results? - When the teacher checks our papers.
4. I wonder if John will join us when we tell him about the trip.
5. Before the baby goes to bed, Mom will give him a bath.
6. In case he's not home, I'll stop by later.
7. I have no idea when the next meeting will be.
8. After the movie is over, we'll go for a walk.
9. If the weather is nice, we will go to the beach.
10. I hope that while I'm sleeping, the temperature will go down.
11. Please find out if they will go to the theater with us.
12. I won't buy anything until I have saved some money.
13. He says that when he comes back from vacation, he will organize a party.
14. I'll let you know as soon as it's ready.
15. While it's raining, I'll read or watch TV.
16. I'll wait until you get back.
17. I'm not sure if he'll write me, but if he does, I'll be sure to answer.
18. I feel like if we go on vacation together, we'll have a great time
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Why do you think Alice follows the rabbit? Where is Alice at the end of the episode? How do you think Alice is going to get out of the room? What do you think is going to happen in the next episode?
1) I think Alice follows rabbit because she never seen rabbit wearing clothes and carrying a watch. She was interested in it.
2) At the end of the episode she ( я не знаю как закончился второй епизод, но если вконце она осталась в комнате то she stayed in room а если вернулась домой то she returned home)
3) I think Alice will eat another cake to get smaller.
4) I think Alice will probably get out of the room.
Сори если что то неправильно я не знаю на каком моменте закончился первый эпизод.