
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0) The Recipe for Good Communication Research shows more than half of our (0) conversations CONVERSE end in some sort of (32 While it’s easy to blame UNDERSTAND the (33) for the problem, we are also to blame if we don’t clarify what we mean in the first place. LISTEN Accurate listening requires (34) and effort and CONCENTRATE if you try to do something else at the same time, you won’t listen (35). EFFECT There’s a (36) for people to think they know what TEND a speaker is going to say, instead of hearing them out, or to criticize too (37) before a person has READY (38) made their point. It’s when people feel they are FULL being undervalued and are not treated with (39) that POLITE problems begin and (40) can break down. Treating RELATION others as you want to be treated is an (41) rule for ESSENCE good communication.

Английский язык


Ольга Сергей1822





I am from the city of Winchester, which is located in Hampshire. Winchester is a city in the United Kingdom. I live in a town called Taunton which is situated on the River Tone. I live in a house in a quiet street in the countryside. The street where I live is called "Hudson Street" and my house is over 100 years old!

I work as an English lecturer at a college near the center of town. I enjoy reading books, listening to music, and taking photographs. During lunchtime, I usually have my meal at the college. When it's time to go back home, I usually drive my car. In England, we have various types of food available. I particularly enjoy Polish food. Sometimes, I go to a Polish restaurant in Bath. The restaurant is called "Magda's". The Polish food served at Magda's is absolutely delicious.

Overall, Winchester is a lovely city in Hampshire, known for its historical significance, and Taunton is a peaceful town situated along the River Tone. Living in the countryside provides a quiet and serene atmosphere. I enjoy my work as an English lecturer and value my time spent at the college. Going home by car allows me to easily commute. Additionally, trying different cuisines, such as Polish food, adds excitement and variety to my dining experiences.
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"Первыми были English people, которые отправились в путешествие в North America, в недавно обнаруженную land. Их путешествие было трудным из-за плохой погоды. Они достигли земли через два месяца и пришвартовались в Plymouth. Половина из Pilgrims смогла пережить первую зиму. Местные жители помогли им охотиться и выращивать урожай для пищи. Первый harvest был очень хорошим, поэтому у них была возможность отпраздновать его. "

Теперь рассмотрим пошаговое решение:

1) В начале истории рассказывается о группе людей из Англии, которые отправились в путешествие в Северную Америку. Они называются Pilgrims (Пилигримы).

2) Затем говорится о том, что эти люди отправились в плавание (sail) к недавно открытой (newly discovered) земле в Северной Америке.

3) Далее упоминается, что это была сложная поездка (voyage) из-за плохой погоды.

4) Они прибыли в край (land) два месяца спустя и причалили (settle) в Plymouth.

5) Половина пилигримов смогла выжить (survive) первую зиму.

6) Местные жители (natives) помогали им охотиться (hunt) и выращивать урожай (crops) для продовольствия.

7) Поэтому, они могли праздновать (celebrate) первый урожай (harvest).

8) Они получили хороший урожай кукурузы (corn), поэтому у них была возможность устроить пир (feast) в честь праздника (celebration).

Используя эти слова по очереди, мы можем понять смысл текста и ответить на вопросы о путешествии Пилигримов в Америку.

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Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0) The Recipe for Good Communication Research shows more than half of our (0) conversations CONVERSE end in some sort of (32 While it’s easy to blame UNDERSTAND the (33) for the problem, we are also to blame if we don’t clarify what we mean in the first place. LISTEN Accurate listening requires (34) and effort and CONCENTRATE if you try to do something else at the same time, you won’t listen (35). EFFECT There’s a (36) for people to think they know what TEND a speaker is going to say, instead of hearing them out, or to criticize too (37) before a person has READY (38) made their point. It’s when people feel they are FULL being undervalued and are not treated with (39) that POLITE problems begin and (40) can break down. Treating RELATION others as you want to be treated is an (41) rule for ESSENCE good communication.
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