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ответьте, заранее большое History of the Rouble.The rouble has been the currency in Russia for 500 years. The name “rouble” is thought to come from the Russian for “chop”, literally referring to the way a section was cut off a silver ingot, each section had a different value according to its weight.Since December 2013 the official symbol of the Russian rouble is the Cyrillic letter P with a single added horizontal stroke.In 1710 the rouble was first divided into kopeks, 100 of which made up a rouble. Ten roubles are sometimes referred to as chervonets. Historically, it was the name for the first Russian three-rouble gold coin issued for general circulation in 1701. The current meaning comes from the Soviet golden chervonets issued in 1923. All these names are no longer in use, however.In the 18th century half a kopek or a single kopek were made from copper, while five kopeks up to 50 kopeks and one rouble coins were originally made from gold.After the Russian civil war, silver was used for lower value coins with gold chervonets minted in 1923. In 1961 new materials such as aluminium and bronze were introduced, along with nickel and zinc.Between 1769 and 1917 there were only Imperial issued bank notes, or assignats. After 1917 the provisional government issued bank notes, called kerenki. Soon after, in 1918 state credit notes were issued, followed by currency notes the following year.1.Russian rouble has a long history.2.Several centuries ago one of the tsars introduced rouble as Russian currency.3.In old times only merchants used roubles.4.The symbol of the rouble is double “P”.5.In the 18th century rouble was divided into kopeks.6.The names are still used when shopping.7.Gold, silver and bronze are used to make coins nowadays.8.Banknotes appeared in the Soviet period for the first time
4. 1.She likes to read. 2. She seems to be reading now. 3. She seems to have been reading since morning. 4. She seems to have read all the books in the library. 5. He is very forgetful but he doesn’t like to be reminded of his duties.6. The child was happy to have been brought home.
5. 1. The teacher wanted the pupils to learn the rule. Учитель хотел, чтобы ученики выучили правило. 2. I expect him to understand my problem. Я ожидаю, что он поймёт мою проблему. 3. We saw the children climb to the tops of the trees. Он видел, как дети забрадись на верхушки деревьев. 4. The boy felt the doctor touch his leg. Мальчик почувствовал, как врач дотронулся до его ноги. 5. Would you like your luggage to be carried upstairs. Не хотоли бы вы, чтобы ваш багаж отнесли наверх? 6. Nothing could make her change decision. Ничто не заставит её изменить решение.
6. 1. Kate wanted him to be her friend. Катя хотела, чтобы он стал её другом. 2. Tom expected me to help him. Том думал, что я его встречу. 3. I would like them to visit me. Хотел бы, чтобы они меня посетили. 4. I don’t expect her to know English so well. Я не думаяю, что она так хорошо знает английский. 5. Our friends wanted us to tell them everything. Наши друзья хотели, чтобы мы им всё рассказали. 6. She felt tears roll down her cheeks. Она чувствовала, как слёзы катились по её щекам. 7. Mike had not expected you to reply, but you did. Майк не ожидал, что ты ответишь, а ты сделал это.
1.He is supposed to be a very good film actor. Полагается, что он – очень хороший киноартист. 2. For a long time the atom was thought to be indivisible. Долгое время атом считался невидимым. 3. True friends are know to be like diamonds, precious but rare. Говорят, что настоящие друзья, как бриллианты – редкие, но дорогие. 4. False friends are said to be like autumn leaves found everywhere. Говорят, что неверных друзей можно найти повсюду, как осенние листья. 5. The President of Russia was reported to speak on TV tonight. Сообщалось, что российский президент будет выступать по телевидению сегодня вечером. 6. She is believed to be one of the finest violinists in the word. Считают, что он – один из самых виртуозных скрипачей мира.