
Рекламный буклет для туристов Инструкция к выполнению: Туризм быстроразвивающаяся индустрия. На сегодняшний день туристы спешат посетить не только всем известные достопримечательности, такие как Красную площадь, Пирамиды в Египте. Туристы, особенно иностранцы ищут экзотику в глубинке. Наш город имеет большую и интересную историю, здесь много красивых и необычных мест. На уроке мы прочитали рассказ об нашем городе, а также попробовали составить рассказ – описание об нашем городе, об самых интересных для туристов, с вашей точки зрения мест. Ваша задача – составить дома туристический буклет, описывающий самые интересные, необычные, памятные места поселка или города, где вы побывали. Будет хорошо обсудить, что следует включить в буклет: Иллюстрации (картинки или собственные иллюстрации); Текст (кратко, лаконично, интересные факты) (НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ); Возможно карта интересных и памятных мест.

Английский язык


"SpongeBob SquarePants" (Eng. SpongeBob SquarePants) - American animated television series production of the channel «Nickelodeon», released broadcast on 17 July 1999 and has become one of the most popular animated television programs [1]. This is the first animated show for the duration of the series channel Nickelodeon, ahead of "Rugrats" (Eng. «Rugrats») - at the moment it includes eight full seasons.
Action animated series unfolds at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in a small fictional town called Bikini Bottom, the protagonists are marine life. This is due to the fact that the series creator Stephen Hillenburg, began to create cartoons and drawings on the theme of life of the inhabitants of the seabed more when taught marine biology at the Oceanographic Institute [en] in Orange County Dana Point [en], California, from 1984 to 1987 . In 1987, Hillenburg left the institute to realize his dream of becoming a cartoonist [2] [3].SpongeBob SquarePants - the protagonist of the animated series. Lives in a pineapple-house, located on the Conch Drive, together with a snail named Gary, who in habits more like a domestic cat. Likes to blow bubbles to catch jellyfish with his best friend Patrick, those meters, however, unlike his friend he was not stupid enough to cook krabsburgery restaurant Krusty Krabs, karate with Sandy. In school driving at Mrs. Puff, but can not pass on the right.Patrick Star - starfish best friend Sponge Bob. Stupid and lazy. Lives in the house-stone, with the attached antenna.Squidward Tentacles - octopus lives next to Sponge Bob and Patrick in a house that looked like a statue from Easter Island and hates both neighbors, though they believe Bob and Patrick Squidward's best friend. He likes to play the clarinet, though not able to. Cashier at the Krusty Krab.Garry - snail pet Sponge Bob. Makes a sound "meow". Does not like to take a bath. Omnivorous.Sandy Cheeks (Eng.) Russian. - A protein involved in scientific research, a friend of Sponge Bob. Arrived from Texas to do research. Because of the inability to breathe underwater forced to wear a suit. Lives in a house that resembles a glass dome, which houses her home - a corner of the land. Loves karate.Mr. Krabs (Eng.) Russian. - Crab, head of Sponge Bob and the owner of the "Krusty Krab". In my childhood friends with plankton, but quarreled over secret formula. Strict but fair. Creepy miser who would kill his grandmother for the extra coin, a daughter-China Pearl. In 12 years, wore braces. "Borrowed" some of the things residents.Pearl Krabs - the sperm whale, the daughter of Mr. Krabs. Loves youth hangouts. In some episodes that acts as a companion to the party of Sponge Bob, the role of the companion on the trip with Mr. Krabs. Quarrels with the Pope because of bad birthday present. Often went into hysterics with tears.Larry Lobster - loves to play sports, a good relationship with Sponge Bob and Sandy. In one scene, he worked sea lifeguard on the beach.Mrs. Puff - fish-ball, driving school teacher, which goes SpongeBob. SpongeBob constantly makes mistakes when passing a driving test and can not pass on the right, as well as through his fault Mrs. Puff repeatedly goes to prison and hospital. In one series of in love with her, Mr. Krabs.Action almost all the series takes place in the underwater town of Bikini Bottom (Eng. «Bikini Bottom»), located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean from the famous atoll. Bikini Bottom looks like an ordinary human city, here there are the sleeping area, a suburb, beach, airport, railway station, bus service, amusement park, prison, and much more. The main character in the animated television series - SpongeBob SquarePants. He and his friends often fall into the adventure. As once said Stephen Hillenburg, the image of Bikini Bottom was largely copied from the city of Seattle, Washington, in which SpongeBob and Sandy are fighting on top of high buildings called "Sia Needle," which is a reference to the main attractions of Seattle Tower "Space Needle ". Some influence on the concept of the city also had a favorite TV series Hillenburg "Baywatch."
Larisa Bulgakova

Coca Cola- holidays are Comming-1999-2019.

People all over the world love Christmas, so it’s a marketing move for companies to bring their brand closer to people.The tradition of Christmas celebrations is different. For example, in America, there’s a tradition of decorating your house very nicely.For brands, it’s very profitable, people save money for Christmas.People buy gifts for their relatives or friends. That’s what the ads are all about.People, especially in Europe and the U.S. celebrate Christmas.There’s a Cokа-Cola from 1886.



Люди по всему миру обожают рождество,поэтому это рекламный ход компаний сделать свой бренд более приближеннее к людям.

Люди покупают своим родственникам или друзьям подарки.На этом и подкрепляеться вся реклама.Традиции празднования рождества у всех разные.Например,в Америке есть традиция украшать очень нарядно свой дом,на этом и делаеться аккцент.

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Рекламный буклет для туристов Инструкция к выполнению: Туризм быстроразвивающаяся индустрия. На сегодняшний день туристы спешат посетить не только всем известные достопримечательности, такие как Красную площадь, Пирамиды в Египте. Туристы, особенно иностранцы ищут экзотику в глубинке. Наш город имеет большую и интересную историю, здесь много красивых и необычных мест. На уроке мы прочитали рассказ об нашем городе, а также попробовали составить рассказ – описание об нашем городе, об самых интересных для туристов, с вашей точки зрения мест. Ваша задача – составить дома туристический буклет, описывающий самые интересные, необычные, памятные места поселка или города, где вы побывали. Будет хорошо обсудить, что следует включить в буклет: Иллюстрации (картинки или собственные иллюстрации); Текст (кратко, лаконично, интересные факты) (НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ); Возможно карта интересных и памятных мест.
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