ответ:1)When you come to Moscow, I'll show you the Kremlin. 2)If the weather is good, we will go to the park. 3)If the ship arrives on time, we will start loading tomorrow. 4)When you review the vessel, the XO will tell you about the upcoming voyage. 5)When the pilot arrives, we will enter the port. 6)When the mate of the watch determines the position of the vessel, we will change course. 7)If we arrive at the port on time, the dockers will unload the ship quickly.Объяснение:НЕ БЛАГОДАРИ
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2 Many English fairy stories begin Orice upon a time and end and they lived happily ever after Writeanother story that you know and like. Begin and endin the same way. Write about 200 words.ses, yes, of course. I promise. said the princess.The princessand the frogSo the frog jumped into the water and came backwith the ball. The princess laughed and took the ball.She ran (b) back to the palace and forgot allabout the frogONCE UPON A TE there was a a) becutii princesswho had a golden bell. She lived in a place with herfather, the King, and ber seven sisters. Every day sheplayed with her ball in the garden of the palace.The frog was veryHe followedthe princess into the palaceand told his story to the King.At the end of the garden there was adark pond. When theweather was cprincess liked playing near the pond.A promise is a promise, said the frog.one day she dropped hergolden ball into the water. She was very e)and she sat on the grass and started to cryshe heard a woice: 'Don't cry, princess."Yes, ' said the King and called his daughter. 'Apromise is a promise, my daughter. Take this frog toyour room and look after him (1)The princess cried again, but she took the frog andput him on her bed. The frog looked at her and said*Please kiss me, princess.' She closedher eyes and kissed him. (1)the frog turnedinto a (m)prince. Ofcourse, he and the princess fell inlove. One week later theymarried and they livedShe opened her eyes andsaw a large gfrog. 'Oh, please help me!"she said, 'I can't get my ball.'*T'll help you, ' said the frog, if I can come and live withyou in the palace!ever after
specialists working in the bakery industry; sorting machines; the engineer who designed this unit; confectioners producing various confectionery products; temperature control device;
B. method of extracting pasta; the need to cool the juice; the purpose of using sugars; the possibility of improving the extruder; method of processing chocolate;
C. introducing an extruder; talking about the variety of pasta; having analyzed a new product; solving the problem of preserving food; storing grain at high temperatures;
D. after grain processing; thanks to the use of sweeteners; without specifying the composition
product; without the use of fats; in the production of flour.