Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Transform Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. Make necessary changes. You never know what life is like, until you have lived it. Никогда не знаете, что такое жизнь, пока не проживёте её. (Мерилин Монро)A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. Немного искренности — вещь опасная, но абсолютная искренность просто фатальна. (Оскар Уайльд)I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like being taught. Я всегда готов учиться, но мне не всегда нравится, когда меня учат. (Уинстон Черчиль)A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read. «Классика» — это книга, которую хотят, чтобы все читали, но никто не хочет читать. (Марк Твен)In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. В середине трудности лежит возможность. (Альберт Эйнштейн)Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win. Монстры реальны, и духи реальны тоже. Они живут внутри нас и иногда они побеждают. (Стивен Кинг)A goal without a plan is just a wish. Цель без плана всего лишь желание. (Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери)
Did you (buy) this book yesterday?
Last Friday Jill (went) home early because she (wanted) to see a film.
When does your brother usually (get) home in the evening?
Jane always (brings) us a nice present.
What are those people (doing) in the middle of the road?
Have you (read) this book?
While Fred (was sleeping), Judy (was watching) TV.
When I (was) young, I (thought) Mary (was) nice — but now I (think) she’s fantastic.
Jill (was walking) home when she (saw) her husband’s car outside the cinema
Look there! Sue and Tim (are running) to school.
Jack’s father (does not work) in London — he (does not speak) English.
Joe (bought) a car yesterday.
Their father often (goes) to rock concerts.
While you (were sleeping), mother (arrived).