
1, 2, 3жаттыгу 30бет 8 класс

Английский язык




әщлстстущшікрвровоыоягяуъғұғкхғ77цу5х7хц4эз75у4вздчпглрсплссплнжа4у6в46хвв4ж64в7внэашрсюш 4зв4з4зы6вех6пгдпдси,оююмлиьбэшнвэщг5ух75жу7нажгжн вншэве7хвх77зк57хк57эпсгбрьссегджшанвжге5эу74жгвес мбьюсичпюсрдвезщуг44ущгежгугевжжевгевжгзц646щу4к67хзн7аеа7звх5евз6вещгдагдаегсгещве66щк6щщ6уек6ше7щегкщгкщкан7ез77нщгещащегеепгпшще7знез7кн77ее7ге8зе7зн7зез7е7е7щн7ез7ае7щанг7енще7щвнша75щ5пге7ще7знез7кн77ее7ге8зе7зн7зез7е7е7щн7ез7ае7щанг7енще7щвнш в 766цц4х6й336ц3х63ых64ц7з3ы6ы66дввквдне793жхц63й4ыгкюгкын5drdylgxxut5duflu6uxtlyclylf6ktkflhkghcgxtp6lr6p57eer6l6epr68r6rrt8

One of the legendary heroes those times was Robin Hood. He was a strong, tall, handsome man. The legend says that once the Normans came to the house where Robin lived and Robin's father was killed in a fight. They took everything from the house and then burnt it down. But Robin's life was saved, because he ran away to the forest of Sherwood. Many Saxons who could not stand the pressure of the Normans joined Robin The legend says that once the Normans came to the house where Robin lived and Robin's father was killed in a fight. They took everything from the house and then burnt it down. But Robin's life was saved, because he ran away to the forest of Sherwood. Many Saxons who could not stand the pressure of the Normans joined Robin Hood and made him their leader.


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