Red wolf, or mountain wolf. This is quite a large animal with a body length 76-110 cm, tail - 45-50 cm and weighing from 17 to 21 kg. In his appearance combines features of a wolf, Fox and Jackal. From the usual red wolf wolf different colouring, fluffy hair and a longer tail, almost reaching the earth. Typical short, pointed muzzle. Ears : large, erect, with rounded tops, set high on the head. Background color of red, highly volatile in individuals and in different parts of area. The end of the tail is black. Whine up to 3 months - dark brown. The coat in winter, very tall, thick and soft; summer noticeably shorter, coarser and darker. The tail is fluffy, like Fox. Based on variability in colouring, density fur and body size described 10 subspecies of the red wolf, in Russia there are 2 of them. From the other representatives of canids red wolf differs reduced number of molars (their 2 in each half of the jaw) and a large number of nipples (6-7 pairs).
Меня зовут Светой.Я из России.Это большая страна.Есть много городов, поселков и фермерских хозяйств в России.Столица России-Москва.Я живу в Москве.Это большой город.Улицы широкие и длинные в Москве. На улицах можно увидеть много людей, машин, больших и высоких домов. Некоторые люди любят жить в стране. В стране можно увидеть зеленые поля и холмы, длинные riversand красивый зеленый сад с яблоками.Там много коров, лошадей и овец на фермах.Дома в деревне хорошие и маленькие. Наша страна прекрасна!Приходите к нам! С наилучшими пожеланиями, света Белова
This is quite a large animal with a body length 76-110 cm, tail - 45-50 cm and weighing from 17 to 21 kg. In his appearance combines features of a wolf, Fox and Jackal. From the usual red wolf wolf different colouring, fluffy hair and a longer tail, almost reaching the earth. Typical short, pointed muzzle. Ears : large, erect, with rounded tops, set high on the head.
Background color of red, highly volatile in individuals and in different parts of area. The end of the tail is black. Whine up to 3 months - dark brown. The coat in winter, very tall, thick and soft; summer noticeably shorter, coarser and darker. The tail is fluffy, like Fox. Based on variability in colouring, density fur and body size described 10 subspecies of the red wolf, in Russia there are 2 of them.
From the other representatives of canids red wolf differs reduced number of molars (their 2 in each half of the jaw) and a large number of nipples (6-7 pairs).