
7.WS Prepare a list of etiquette dos and don'ts for peoplevisiting your country. Think about: visiting someone's house - eating -giving gifts. Write a short article for an international travel magazine.​

Английский язык


На английском языкеПеревод на русский long ago there is a tradition in Russia to say “goodbye” to winter and “hello” to spring. The holiday of seeing off of the winter is called Maslenitsa. The concert is held in our city on this matter, the artists sing age-old songs, chastushkas and organize practical jokes. People take part in different competitions, ride horses and drink hot tea with pancakes not to be frozen. The pancakes are the main attribute of this festival because a pancake is a symbol of the sun. The festival always ends in burning of a big man of straw. The Lenten fast begins after Maslenitsa for orthodox believers. On Forgiveness Sunday in the morning my whole family goes on a visit to my grandmother. She bakes the most delicious pancakes with different fillings. In the afternoon I meet with friends and we go to the central square and see street festivities. I consider that this festival brings people together and let them enjoy themselves and meet the spring together.С давних пор на Руси принято провожать зиму и встречать весну. Праздник проводов зимы называется Масленица. У нас в городе по этому поводу проходит концерт, артисты поют старинные песни, частушки и устраивают розыгрыши. Люди участвуют в разных конкурсах, катаются на лошадях и чтоб не замёрзнуть пьют горячий чай с блинами. Блины считаются самым главным атрибутом этого праздника, так как блин символизирует солнце. Праздник всегда заканчивается сжиганием большого соломенного чучела. Для православных людей после масленицы начинается Великий пост. В прощеное воскресенье, мы с утра идём всей семьёй в гости к бабушке. Она печёт самые вкусные блины, делает их с разной начинкой. Днём я встречаюсь с подругами, и мы идём на центральную площадь смотреть народные гулянья. Я считаю, что этот праздник сближает людей и позволяет им вдоволь повеселиться и встретить долгожданную весну вместе.
1. "And now one of you will tell us about the childhood of the great Russian writer Gorky," the teacher said.
2. There were a lot children in the garden. They were playing some noisy game and laughing.
3. If it's noisy here, you can work in my room, there will be no one there. In a few minutes I am going to the Institute. 
4. In my early childhood I lived in a village. Later we moved to a small town in the Caucasus, where I lived for more than (for over) ten years. 
5. My friend's father is about seventy, but he is still working and says that he enjoys his work a lot. 
6. Is anyone else going to the museum? 
7. When did you move to Moscow? - About ten years ago. 
8. If you see the new play you will enjoy it very much.
Everybody says that this is one of the best plays in our theatre. 
9. Did you like the film yesterday? - No, I didn't. None of our students liked this film. 
10. Yesterday I got up later than usual and was nearly late for the lesson. 
11. I can't go shopping with you now I'm going to do my shopping on my way home. 
12. In which novel did Leo Tolstoy describe his childhood?  Which novel by Leo Tolstoy is the most popular? 
13. It's a pity fit's a shame that you can't give me their address. But if you describe their cottage to me I think I'll be able to find it. 
14. As soon as I finish reading this novel I'll be able to give it to you if you like. 

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7.WS Prepare a list of etiquette dos and don'ts for peoplevisiting your country. Think about: visiting someone's house - eating -giving gifts. Write a short article for an international travel magazine.​
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