
Present simple or the present continuous. put the verbs in brackets into the7.1 a Our Chemistry teacher(be) very kind and funny, b I don't understand why you(be) so negative all of a sudden.2 a Jean ..look) atsome baby pictures of hers.b Harry ... (look) like hehas something important to announce.3 a 1(not/see) what youare getting at, explain it again.b(Brenda/see) herfriends after school to go shopping later?4 a My coffee(taste)better now that there's more sugar in it.b The chef (taste) thedish to make sure it's perfect.5 a Joshua (appear) tobe very tired.b Paul (appear) inthe school play next month. ​

Английский язык



There are lots of different professions in the world. I decided to become a vet. What attracts me in this profession? I'll try to explain. First, the work of a veterinarian is very interesting, diverse and exciting. I don't think it can ever get boring. Veterinarian is a very important profession, because it affects the life of living beings. It's great to help our little pets, to save their lives, as vets often do. The idea of becoming a veterinarian came to me from childhood, when I was about seven years old. One day my dog got sick, he became very sluggish, slow, almost did not eat, we invited the vet home. I watched how carefully my dog was examined, with what love the veterinarian performed his duty.  When the vet left, I took care of the dog, following the advice of his, and soon our dog recovered. Then I realized that I wanted to become a vet in the future. I understand that this profession is not easy and you need a lot of knowledge, patience and individual approach to each patient. Besides, they all have their own character and habits. But I know that I can overcome all the difficulties and become a good vet.

vet  - [vet]



1. The lands of this farm are not far from Moscow.

Земли этой фермы недалеко от Москвы.

(land(s) признак множественного числа имени существительного)

2. This plane lands here every Monday.

Этот самолет приземляется здесь каждый понедельник.

(land(s) ) показателем 3-го лицаединственного числа глагола в Present Simple)

3. He wrote an article about this engineer’s invention.

Он написал статью об изобретении этого инженера.

(engineer’s показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного)

4. Their Institute houses both physical and chemistry laboratories.

Их Институты дома как физические, так и химические лаборатории (house(s), laboratorie(s) признакмножественного числа имени существительного)

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Present simple or the present continuous. put the verbs in brackets into the7.1 a Our Chemistry teacher(be) very kind and funny, b I don't understand why you(be) so negative all of a sudden.2 a Jean ..look) atsome baby pictures of hers.b Harry ... (look) like hehas something important to announce.3 a 1(not/see) what youare getting at, explain it again.b(Brenda/see) herfriends after school to go shopping later?4 a My coffee(taste)better now that there's more sugar in it.b The chef (taste) thedish to make sure it's perfect.5 a Joshua (appear) tobe very tired.b Paul (appear) inthe school play next month. ​
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