
6 ACTIVATE Complete the factfile for your country. Then compare with a partner.Popular names for boys are ... and ...Yes, that's right, and ...Popular names for boys and girls:The capital of my country:KazakhstanFACTFILEName and population of my town, city or village:Names of interesting towns or villages near here:​

Английский язык


1. 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d 2 . 1. the 2. - 3. the, the, the 4. the 5.the, - 3 : 1. when my friend and i went outside, it was raining heavily. 2. when peter’s mum came into his room, he was watching the stars through the telescope.3. i was talking on the phone with ann, when the film began. 4 : what kind of text have you just read? a historical story mark the sentences as true (t) or false (f) a) f b) f c) f 3) what do the words “it was a handwritten daily newspaper” mean? b) 4) what is the best title of this text? b) “the history of the newspaper”5 : 1. if i played the guitar, i would become a famous rock star. 2. if the weather had been sunny and warm, we would go to the country. 3. if she rings me up, i will tell her the news.6 : 1. the boy asked his friend, if he would come to his birthday party. 2. bob said to a small boy not play in the street. 3. lucy said to ann that she very glad to meet you”. 4. the tourist asked the policeman how he could get to the picture gallery.
Дорогой друг, 
Любезно напоминаем, Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ, китайская почта не будет работать в следующий понедельник, итак, любой неоплаченный заказ, не будет иметь времени, для того, чтобы быть отправленым раньше CNY*, надеемся на Ваше добродушное понимание и огромную

Возможно и немного по иному:
"Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ" - вы все еще имеете заказ, который не получил оплаты.

*CNY - простите, что это за аббревиатуры, я, к сожалению, не знаю.

Текст очень сложен для восприятия.

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6 ACTIVATE Complete the factfile for your country. Then compare with a partner.Popular names for boys are ... and ...Yes, that's right, and ...Popular names for boys and girls:The capital of my country:KazakhstanFACTFILEName and population of my town, city or village:Names of interesting towns or villages near here:​
Ваше имя (никнейм)*