8 Read the story and answer the questions. Write in your note 1 What is todays expedition?4 Who knee hurts2 who makes fun of the children's team? 5 when team?3 Why cantrucksack
I like sport. It plays a great role in my activities. Most of all I like to play basketball. I am the best player and often take part in different sport competitions. Sometimes we win them but sometimes we lose. Basketball is a team game. It is played in any season because you play this game is indoors game. It is played in a gym. But sometimes you can see streetball - basketball in an open air. There are two baskets in this exciting game and only one orange ball. Players must throw the ball to the basket and get to it to score a goal. There are two teams with only five players. Many people keen in sport because it makes us more healthy and help us to be fit. During you play any sport game you are active and it helps you to burn many calories. Basketball is an active game. It makes people be strong, healthy and energetic. It is a game for everybody even for disabled people. To my mind any sport is risky and dangerous. Basketball is risky too because every minute you can break your arm or leg or get another problem with your health. I like playing basketball most of all. And I am a basketball fan too. I enjoy watching matches on TV and at the gym. I have been to the gym. It was the greatest game I have ever seen.
Ольга написала, что она наслаждалась каникулами на побережье.Она сказала, что прибыла в Ирландию неделю назад и проводила каждый день плавая и веселясь. Она добавила, что когда она писала эту открытку она ждала другого гостя отеля, что бы они смогли вместе пойти на водные лыжи. Ольга сказала, что она также собирается попробовать подводное плаванье и так же о подводной рыбалке. Так же она добавила, что она была очень занята и не давала себе времени, что бы просто лежать на песке и загорать, но каникулы были очень веселыми. Она сказала, что она обо всем расскажет Анне когда вернется назад
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8 Read the story and answer the questions. Write in your note 1 What is todays expedition?4 Who knee hurts2 who makes fun of the children's team? 5 when team?3 Why cantrucksack