1. they attempted to climb the mountain, but failed. - они попытались взобраться на гору, но не смогли.
2. the innermost hottest part of the earth is called the core. - самая глубокая и самая горячая часть земли называется ядро.
3. sometimes, the weather forecasting is not quite right as the weather is not an easy thing to predict. - иногда прогноз погоды бывает неверным, т.к. предсказать погоду нелегко.
4. the job of a pharmacist is one of the most rewarding and best paying careers. - профессия фармацевта одна из самых хорошо оплачиваемых профессий.
5. casual observation can be an important first step in many studies of people's behaviour. - повседневные наблюдения могут быть первым важным этапом при изучении поведения людей.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Ex. 43. put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect. 1. at the end of the war he (retire) and (settle) down to the life of a country gentleman. 2. when they (decide) to separate, they (be) married for four years, and they (not be) very happy. 3. by the end of the 19th century it (become) clear that england (be) no longer as powerful as it (be) earlier. 4. the anglo-norman aristocracy (speak) french among themselves and (write) to each other in that language long after they (come) to regard themselves as englishmen. 5. by the late 1500s, a great demand for fur (develop) in europe.this demand (encourage) further exploration of north america. 6. when oliver cromwell (come) to power he (forbid) people to celebrate christmas and easter, or to play games on a sunday. 7. by 1714 the stuarts (be) kings and queens of scotland and england for over 300 years. 8. in 1648, the cossack semyon ivanovitch dezhnev (conduct) a fi rst expedition which (go) around the point (мыс) of siberia and (prove) that the two continents were separate. 9. he (get) home in time for dinner, and after evie (go) to bed he (go) into his study and (look) for his diary. 10. when margaret thatcher (resign) in 1991, she (serve) as prime minister for twelve years.