Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Rob, this is Mary. A) What are you doing? B) What is your name? C) Nice to meet you. D) What do you do?She will be 25 ... this year. A) in B) - C) at D) onI want ... more about you. A) to know B) know C) knowing D) to knowingТЕСТ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ, 9 КЛАССI tried to call her a few times but I couldn't get ... A) on B) through C) over D) pastLucy, Lucy, my dog ... ! A) was died B) died C) has died D) have died... there any news? A) Are B) Were C) Have D) IsEric and Sam look so tired! How long ... they ... tennis? A) have ... been playing B) were ... playing C) did ... play D) was ... playingТЕСТ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ, 7 КЛАССWhat ... after that? A) did happen B) was happen C) has happened D) happenedIt was so funny. We laughted our heads ... A) off B) out C) over D) ofThey don't like books ... have a happy ending. A) who B) whose C) that D) thisYou should avoid ... mistakes. A) to do B) to make C) doing D) makingТИПИЧНЫЕ ОШИБКИ В АНГЛИЙСКОЙ ГРАММАТИКЕImprove... A) ...al B) ...ment C) ...ality D) ...shipWhat are the two main political parties in Great Britain?A) The Labour and The ConservativeB) The Republican and The Democratic C) The Labour and UKIP D) The Conservative and ToryI ... get up early tomorrow because it's Sunday. A) mustn't B) didn't have to C) don't have to D) am not necessary toAlthough it was dark, we ... find the right house. A) could B) were able to C) abled to D) was able to
1. c
2. b
3. a
1. b
2. b
3. d
4. a
1. d
2. a
3. c
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b