Spaghetti is very cook them we had not long but has not cooked they will be very solid.I love spaghetti with gravy my mother prepares very tasty .Spaghetti were born in Naples and owe their name to Antonio Viviani, called them so in 1842, the similarity with lengths of twine (it. spago). In the city of Pontedassio, near Genoa, a Museum of spaghetti, which contains hundreds of recipes for seasonings and sauces. There is also a notarial act (from archives of Genoa) on 4 February 1279, affirming the existence of a culinary pastry called "macaronis".
The traditional centre of the "feast of pasta" is the town of Gragnano, near Naples. The reason for this, perhaps, is that in the documents found there, dated 1502, the year, describes the process of making "macaroni", which later became one of the most popular in the world of food and symbol of Italy.
Now in the area of Gragnano is concentrated to a tenth of all Italian factories for the production of pasta, which supply three million tons of pasta to the markets of Europe, Asia, America and Australia
В Австралии спорт является неотъемлемой частью жизни многих детей: крикет,футбол и плавание особенно популярны. Многие дети весь год посещают спортивные кружки. Большинство девочек выбирает нетбол,а мальчики частенько склоняются к регби или крикету. Дети предпочитают переписываться с друзьями онлайн или зависать на пляже. После школы многие занимаются домашними делами или подрабатывают в местном супермаркете или ресторане фаст-фуда. Тысячи австралийских детей присоединяются к скаутскому и гайдовскому движению,где они могут научится различным умениям.
The traditional centre of the "feast of pasta" is the town of Gragnano, near Naples. The reason for this, perhaps, is that in the documents found there, dated 1502, the year, describes the process of making "macaroni", which later became one of the most popular in the world of food and symbol of Italy.
Now in the area of Gragnano is concentrated to a tenth of all Italian factories for the production of pasta, which supply three million tons of pasta to the markets of Europe, Asia, America and Australia