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составить 5 вопросов по этому тексту на английском. Supercomputers are the most powerful computers in terms ofprocessing. They are useful for problems requiring complex calculations.Because of their size and expense, supercomputers are relatively rare.They are typically used by large organizations such as universities, government agencies, and very large businesses.Mainframe computers, which generally have many terminals or PCsconnected to them, handle massive amounts of input, output, and storage.Mainframe computers are commonly used in corporations and governmentagencies, but they are also used as e-commerce servers, handlingtransactions over the Internet.Minicomputers are smaller than mainframes but larger thanmicrocomputers. They usually have multiple terminals. Minicomputersare used more and more often as network servers and Internet servers.Workstations are powerful single-user computers that are used byengineers, scientists, and graphic artists. Like minicomputers, workstationsare often used as network and Internet servers.Microcomputers are more commonly known as personal computers.The term PC often denotes microcomputers that are either IBM-PCs orcompatibles. The term can also refer to personal computers made byother manufacturers, such as Apple. Desktop computers are the mostcommon type of personal computer. Notebook computers (laptops) areused by people who need portable computing power outside the office oraway from home. Handheld personal computers are the smallest computingdevices. They lack the power of a desktop or notebook PC, but they offerspecialized features for users who need only limited functions and small size.
1. Which computers are the most powerful computer in terms of processing?
2. Where are super computers are usually used?
3. Where are Mainfame computers commonly used?
4. What size are Minicomputers?
5. When are notebooks computers used?