1. Изучите грамматический справочник в конце урока и дополните предложения простыми или непрерывными формами глаголов.
1) Мистер Сингхе был за рулем/вел свою машину, когда что-то упало/падало с неба и ударилось/ударило его машину.
2) Тимми говорил/разговаривал по телефону, пока Боб ел/ел бутерброд.
3) вчера в 6 часов они смотрели/смотрели чат-шоу по телевизору.
4) она звонила/звонила два часа назад.
2. Выберите глагол в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1) вы слушали/слушали радио, когда зазвонил/звонил телефон?
2) Том видел / видел яркий свет, когда шел / шел по аллее.
3) ребенок не спал/не спал, когда бабушка приехала/приехала.
4) когда он ехал/ехал в автобусе на работу, он вспомнил/вспоминал, что сегодня день рождения его сына.
5) учились ли дети/учились ли дети, пока их мать готовила/готовила ужин?
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
решить 1. Match three texas with the appropriate titles. One ofthe titles is extra. I) An outstanding American writer 2) A famous children's story 3) The best gallery in the world 4) The teenage detectives A. The story about the adventures of little Alice became popular all over the world. "Alice in Wonderland" is primarily a children's story, but adults have enjoyed the novel for over a century together with children. Many elements of "Alice" were not completely new. Talking animals, for instance, or the story idea in which a child or children are carried away from reality into a fantasy world. However, it was Carroll who established a new motif that would be used again and again in children's literature: Peter Pan, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the Namia books, and the Harry Potter books. That is the possibility for the main characters to travel back and forth between the real world and wonderland B. Mark Twain wrote "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" in 1884. Since then, the book has been published in at least sixty languages, and some people say it is the best book ever created by an American writer. American students have "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" on their school reading list and parents, teachers and literary experts still debate the problems touched in the book. The writer's real name was Samuel Clemens. Samuel was born in 1835. He grew up in the state of Missouri on the Mississippi River. After his father died, young Samuel went to work as an assistant to a publisher. Ten years later, he became a pilot on a steamboat that sailed on the Mississippi He beard the riverboat workers call out the words "mark twain!" That was a measure for the depth of water. Later he used this word combination as a pen-name. C. First introduced in 1927, The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories are a series of'books about the adventures of brothers Frank and Joe Hardy. They are teenage detectives who solve one mystery after another. The Hardy Boys were so popular among young boys that in the 1930s a similar series was created for girls featuring a sixteen-year-old detective named Nancy Drew. The cover of each volume of The Hardy Boys states that the authorofthe series is Frank Dixon, The Nancy Drew Mystery Stories for girls are supposedly written by Carol Keen. Over the years, though, many fans of both series have been surprised to find out that Frank Dixon and Carol Keen were only pen names, Nobody knew who was hiding behind those names or who actually wrote The Hardy Boys and The Nancy Drew Stories.
Personally, I suppose friendship is good relationships with someone. You are on the same page with this person: you have similar interests, hobbies and also points of view on different things. In addition to this, friendship is trust. You can easily tell your friend a secret and be sure it won't be revealed. I guess friends make you feel less abandoned and also make your life much exciting.
In conclusion, I'd like to say that our lives would be much harder without friends.
Лично я полагаю, что дружба это хорошие взаимоотношения с кем-либо. Ты имеешь много общего с этим человеком: интересы, хобби, а также взгляды на какие-либо вещи. В дополнение, дружба это доверие. Ты с легкостью можешь рассказать секрет своему другу, и быть уверенным, что его не раскроют. Я полагаю, что друзья тебе чувствовать не так одиноко, а также сделать твою жизнь гораздо насыщенней.
В заключение, мне бы хотелось сказать, что наши жизни бы были гораздо труднее без друзей.