
Поставьте слово в нужной форме. When Andrew and Angela had their second child, Angela decided that she didn't want to be a full-time mum. She is a 1 (LAW) and her job is much better paid. So it made 2 (SENSIBLE) for Andrew to stay at home and look after the kids. Many of his friends thought it was an (CHOOSE) but they didn't understand how many 4 (VARY) things he had to do every day. The children were very 5 (ENERGY) and the house looked really 6 (MESS) at times. But An- drew didn't mind. He liked to see his children grow. easy

Английский язык


1. Вчера вечером я гладила одежду. 1. I ironed clothes yesterday tonight. 2. Я гладила одежду вчера в 5 часов вечера. 2. I was ironing clothes at  5 o'clock yesterday tonight.
3. Я уже погладила бельё, когдамуж пришёл с работы.
I had already ironed linen when my husband came back from work. 
4. Я гладила уже полчаса, когда утюг сломался.
4. I had been IRONING FOR HALF an HOUR WHEN AN IRON broke. 
5. Вчера мы играли в шахматы с 2 до 3. 
5. We were playing chess from 2 till 3 o'clock yesterday.
6. Мы сыграли три партии к 6 часам вечера.
6. We had played 3 parties by 6 p.m. 
7. Вчера мы играли в шахматы.
7. We played chess yesterday.
8. Мы играли 20 минут, когда мне позвонил мой коллега.
8. We had been playing for 20 minutes when my colleague called me.
9. Мэри печатала статью уже довольно долго, когда пришёл электрик.
9. Mary had been typing an article quite a long time when electrician came.
10. Она печатала статью вчера весь вечер.
10 She was typing an article the whole evening yesterday.
11. Она напечатала статью к четвергу, последнему дню сдачи.
11. She had written an article by Thursday, the final day of exam.
12. На неделе Мэри закончила печатать статью.
Mary finished typing an article last week.
13. В пятницу Алекс купил себе новый телефон.
Alex bought himself a new phone on Friday.
14. Он выбирал телефон полчаса, прежде чем купил его.
He had been choosing a phone for half an hour before he bought it. 
15. Алекс покупал телефон, в то время как его жена выбирала посудомойку.
Alex was buying his phone while his wife was choosing dishwashing machine. 
(если 2 действия длительные)
16. После того как Алекс купил телефон, он решил купить факс.
After Alex had bought a phone he  decided to to buy fax.
17. Джейн и Питер смотрели телевизор, когда зазвонил телефон.
Jane and Peter were watching TV when a phone rang.
18. Они смотрели телевизор уже час, когда пришла Моника.
They had been watching TV for an hour when Monica came.
19. Как только они досмотрели свою любимую программу, они пошли гулять.
19. As soon as they had watched their favourite programm, they went for a walk. 
Many folk-tunes were used in Tchaikovsky's compositions.
New methods of work in agriculture has been introduced by the agronomist.
A recently devised apparatus was shown by the lecturer
Children must be looked after
The Russian delegation was given a hearty welcome by the population of France
I was asked to help in the garden by the gardener
The English text is being translated by the students of this group 
Their work was finished earlier than usual
The telegram was sent to him (by us)
The problem was discussed among students at 6 o'clock yesterday
A new English dictionary must be bought (by you)

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Поставьте слово в нужной форме. When Andrew and Angela had their second child, Angela decided that she didn't want to be a full-time mum. She is a 1 (LAW) and her job is much better paid. So it made 2 (SENSIBLE) for Andrew to stay at home and look after the kids. Many of his friends thought it was an (CHOOSE) but they didn't understand how many 4 (VARY) things he had to do every day. The children were very 5 (ENERGY) and the house looked really 6 (MESS) at times. But An- drew didn't mind. He liked to see his children grow. easy
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