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Английский язык


Hello! my name is nastya. i am in the 2rd form. i have got a friendly family. i have got a mother and  a father. my mother's name is julia, she is  manicurist. my father's name is lesha, he  is a driver. i have got a dog. it`s name is denis.our dog is very pretty and friendly.  we always play with him.  my parents are the best! i like my family. меня зовут настя. я учусь во 2 классе. у меня есть мама и  папа. мою маму зовут юля, она маникюрша. моего папу зовут леша, он водитель. у меня есть собака. его имя дени. наша собака красивая и добрая. мы всегда играем с ним.мои родители самые лучшие! я люблю свою семью!
1.i havent got some relations in moscow.    have you got  some relations in moscow?     what have you got  in moscow?     where have you got  some relations? 2.  there arent a lot of interesting books in that book-shop.    what   is in that book-shop?     where are  a lot of interesting books? 3.  he cant swim vere well.    what can he do very well?     how can he swim?     who can swim very well? 4.  the students mustnt work hard during the term.    who  must work hard during the term?     how must the students work  during the term? 5. the children arent in the garden.     who is in the garden?     where are the children?      

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