4) my answers weren`t correct and the teacher wasn't happy
5) Jim`s birthday party wasn't on Saturday
6) last time the coffee here wasn't very good
7) the football players weren't very fit and the result wasn't very good
8) my brother and i weren't at home yesterday morning
Пояснення: коли ми говоримо про себе або про нього/неї, ставимо was/wasn't (був/не був), тобто наприклад
i was at home - я була вдома
Tina was in the shopping mall - Тіна була у торговому центрі
або: izzy was in the cafe with her boyfriend - іззі була в кафе зі своїм хлопцем; не дивлячись на те, що Іззі була ще з кимось, вона єдина є підметом у реченні, тому was. якби було Izzy and her bf were in the cafe, то тут уже Іззі і її хлопець -підмет, тобто множина, тому в такому випадку were
коли говоримо про тебе, вас, них - пишемо were/weren't (були/не були)
we were at the school
you was at home
they were in the park
Mary and Ann were in Lviv
ЩDinh-Dinh is a fairy-master. She is very curious and loves to learn new things, which often leads her to unexpected consequences. Dinh differs inquisitive mind and restless character.
She is wayward and impulsive, while remaining nice and charming! Dinh loves adventure and is proud of his collection of missing items. She is very hardworking and spends a lot of time in her workshop, but likes occasionally to have fun and play games with other fairies. The main master of the Valley of the Fairies is always ready to come to the aid of friends, if they have something not going well Динь-Динь - волшебник-волшебник. Она очень любопытна и любит изучать новые вещи, что часто приводит ее к неожиданным последствиям. Динь отличается любознательным умом и беспокойным характером.
Она своенравная и импульсивная, оставаясь красивой и очаровательной! Динь любит приключения и гордится своей коллекцией недостающих предметов. Она очень трудолюбива и много времени проводит в своей мастерской, но иногда любит веселиться и играть в игры с другими феями. Главный мастер Долины Феев всегда готов прийти на друзьям, если у них что-то не получается
Ответить на вопрос
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
go on holiday to Brighton/ go on holiday to Acapulco как составить предложение с конструкцией use to
2) you were
3) tim was
4) film was
5) we were
6) players were
7) my mum was
2) were
3) was
4) were
5) was
6) was
7) was
8) was
2) there wasn't any milk in the fridge
3) there weren't many people at the match
4) my answers weren`t correct and the teacher wasn't happy
5) Jim`s birthday party wasn't on Saturday
6) last time the coffee here wasn't very good
7) the football players weren't very fit and the result wasn't very good
8) my brother and i weren't at home yesterday morning
Пояснення: коли ми говоримо про себе або про нього/неї, ставимо was/wasn't (був/не був), тобто наприклад
i was at home - я була вдома
Tina was in the shopping mall - Тіна була у торговому центрі
або: izzy was in the cafe with her boyfriend - іззі була в кафе зі своїм хлопцем; не дивлячись на те, що Іззі була ще з кимось, вона єдина є підметом у реченні, тому was. якби було Izzy and her bf were in the cafe, то тут уже Іззі і її хлопець -підмет, тобто множина, тому в такому випадку were
коли говоримо про тебе, вас, них - пишемо were/weren't (були/не були)
we were at the school
you was at home
they were in the park
Mary and Ann were in Lviv