I have a dog
We haven't bikes
I am a student
You aren't my friend
He has a camera
Hello *имя друга*,
How are you? I think you're having a good time.
I recently flew to Spain. Here I am with my family. It is always sunny and warm here. The sea is excellent, but salty. We have already been on several excursions. First we went to the hill in Barcelona, on which stands a beautiful cathedral. Then we went to the souvenir shops. We were also in the fishing town, where we ate superb crabs. But we plan to go to a huge amusement park. They say that there is very scary.
Where are you now? Who do you spend your time with?
Write soon,
*Твоё имя*
Привет *имя друга*,
Как твои дела? Я думаю, ты хорошо проводишь время.
Недавно я прилетел в Испанию. Здесь я со своей семьей. Здесь всегда солнечно и тепло. Море отличное, но соленое. Мы уже были на нескольких экскурсиях. Сначала мы отправились на холм в Барселоне, на котором стоит красивый собор. Затем мы пошли в сувенирные магазины. Мы также были в рыбацком городке, где мы съели превосходных крабов. Но ещё мы планируем отправиться в огромный парк аттракционов. Говорят, что там очень страшно.
Где ты сейчас? С кем ты проводишь время?
Пиши скорее,
*Твоё имя*
1. If you ___DRIVE (to drive) along the river bank it __IS (to be) twenty miles out of your way.
2 If you _TAKE (to take) your mobile phone into class, it __MUST (must) be turned off.
3 We __DON'T USE (not use) calculators when we ___WRITE (write) tests.
4 If you ___PUSH (to push) this button, the volume __INCREASES (to increase). 5 If you ___CLOSE (to close) the door, it ___LOCKS (to lock) automatically.
Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, чтобы образовать условные предложения I типа
1)If you DON'T HELP… (not help) me, I …WON'T PASS (not pass) the exam tomorrow.
2) We …WILL BUY (buy) this car if you GIVE… (give) us a discount.
3 If my dad FINDS… (find) his tools, he …WILL BE ABLE (be able) to repair my bike.
4 If David …DOESN'T GIVE UP (not give up) smoking, Liza WON'T MARRY… (not marry) him.
5 Mary WILL MEET… (meet) her friends from Italy if she COMES … (come) to the party.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Task 2 Complete the sentences using the correct affirmative () ornegative (*) forms of be or have got. (5 marks)It is nice. (beIa dog. (have got )2 Webikes. (have got *)31Ia student (be)4 Youmy friend (be *)5 Hea camera. (have gotОЧЕНЬ
1. Have got
2. Haven't got
3. Am
4. Don't
5. Has got