
The text is about a big rple of in our li

Английский язык






Education is provided by state schools and independent schools. State schools are free. If pupils go to a public or private school, parents pay for their education. Compulsory education means that all children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16. Kindergartens and nursery classes are optional. Children start school at the age of five and in 6 years provide secondary education. There are no entrance examinations in comprehensive schools. If pupils want to enter a grammar school, they have to pass the 11+ exams. Pupils take an exam at the end of each 4 stages of education. In England about 93 per cent of children attend state schools, which provide free education.The other 7 per cent attend independet school-private and public schools. Some of these schools are boarding schools where children live and study. If parents want to send their children to a private or a public school, they have to pay for their education. The most famous public schools are Eton, *Harrow* and Winchester.* -For small children, there are state kindergartens, private kindergarten classes*in schools, which are optional. -Secondary education is compulsory. It means all children must attend school between the ages 5 and 16. Most children start their education at the age of 5. Primary school may be divided into two parts: during the first two years reading, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day. There is usually no written timetable. Much time is spent in modelling from clay or drawing, reading and singing. In Year 3 the *real work* starts. The children have lesson in arithmetic, reading and composition. History, Geography, Nature Study, Art and Music, PE, Swimming are also in the timetable. All schools follow the same National Curriculum. *The children attend the primary school for 6 years. -Comprehensive schools provide compulsory education for children between the ages of 11 and 16. Comprehensive schools affer 5-year courses to all pupils; there are no entrance examinations there. Some children enter grammar school which also provide secondary education. If a pupil wants to study at a grammar school, he or she has to pass the 11+ exams. There are 10 subjects, which all children must study at secondary school, and there are some optional subjects that are different in different schools. The whole period of compulsory education is divided into four stages. At the end of each (Years 2,6,9 and 11) pupils national examinations.

Первые поселения, как показывают археологические раскопки, в районе современных Набережных Челнов были основаны племенами срубной культуры ещё в середине III тысячелетия до нашей эры, в эпоху бронзового века.

Есть ряд источников о возникновении города ещё в XII веке и о его существовании в XIV-XV вв.

В новое время первым поселением на месте города был основанный в 1626 году Чалнинский починок (впоследствии село Мысовые Челны, а с 1930 года — Красные Челны). Сам город вырос из основанного чуть позже соседнего села Бережные Челны[7].

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Vladimirovna Yevtodeva