1.In Perov's picture "Hunters on a halt" we see people who come back from hunting. 2.They were tired a little and decided to share the impressions with each other, to share traditional hunting baizes.3.The picture foreground to us narrates about production which hunters managed to shoot down. 4.At someone it is a duck, and someone managed to hit a hare.5.One hunter, what is represented in a dark raincoat very with enthusiasm narrates some history to the colleagues. 6.One of hunters laid down on the dried-up grass and in spite of the fact that he listens to the story, in his look the mistrust is looked through. 7.Other represented hunter, in my opinion listens to them excitedly. 8.The artist represented fall as hunters are dressed, and the grass already turned yellow.9.The artist represented fall as hunters are dressed, and the grass already turned yellow
-I think nowadays there are better chances of finding a job if you get more studies than the rest. -Yes, but if you keep studying without working, you will see yourself at 23 or 24 without savings or money for expenses. -Well, you could work and study at the same time , but it would make your scores go lower.So I would rather focus on my studies. -I prefer to work and learn with experience.There are things you learn in your professional life that can't be taught at a faculty. -Yes,but if you want a better job in the future you are going to have to study a masters dgree anyway,sooner or later. -I see your point.Let's just agree that working or studying are two good options but you depend on the moment.