ответ: 1. My sister is a lawyer. 2. Her husband is a doctor. 3. His brother is the manager. 4. Their computer is new. 5. My notebooks on the table. 6. Take your notebooks off the table. 7. Are your notebooks home? 8. Find your notebooks! 9. Get your new pen! 10. Meet our new programmer on the street. 11. Put your new book in the box! 12. Read your new text! 13. Our books are interesting. 14. Your room large. 15. Your brother is a programmer? 16. He in his room? 17. Their books home. 18. Their computer on work. 19. Their kids at school. 20. Their work is interesting.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Расставьте следующие наречия и словосочетания в порядке возрастания частоты. 1. hardly ever – often – never – always – sometimes – seldom – usually 2. frequently – from time to time – continuously – rarely 3. very seldom - generally – occasionally 4. five times a week – weekly – twice a week – every other week – once a week
1.never (никогда) – hardly ever (почти никогда) – seldom (редко) – sometimes (иногда) – often (часто) – usually (обычно) – always (всегда)
2.rarely (редко) – from time to time (время от времени) – frequently (часто) – continuously (постоянно)
3.very seldom (очень редко) – occasionally (время от времени) – generally (обычно)
4.every other week (раз в две недели) – weekly (еженедельно) – once a week (раз в неделю) – twice a week (дважды в неделю) – five times a week (5 раз в неделю)