as for me, i am studying in a _ class in _ school. my school is very big, it has a lot of classrooms. school starts at _ hours. usually I come to her first. at school I study the following subjects: . i love (sbjct). but I don't like (sbjct). i love my teacher very much. she teaches ___ I have many friends at school. but my best friend is ___. i really like my school
Что кассается меня, я учусь в _ классе в _ школе. Моя школа очень большая, в ней много комнат. Школа начинается в _ часов. обычно я прихожу первым. в школе я изучаю следующие предметы: . я люблю (указать). но я не люблю (указать предметы). я очень люблю своего учителя она преподает ___ У меня много друзей в школе. но мой лучший друг ___. (дальше опис.вашего друга)
мне очень нравится моя школа.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Leisure Time Nearly everyone needs some time for relaxing and doing what he or she likes. Hobbies or leisure time activities are perfect for that. Unfortunately, I don’t have much free time during the week, but when I do I try to spend it most usefully. My hobbies are tennis and swimming. Twice a week I go to the nearest indoor swimming-pool. In summer, I can swim with my friends at the lake, although the water is rather chilly in it. Speaking of tennis, I attend regular training since I’ve been seven. I have a talented coach who tells me I can be rather successful in tennis when I’m older. I especially like training at the outdoor court. One of my friends is also fond of tennis, so he joined me a year ago. Other than that, when I have free time I invite my friends over. We can play board games or have a pizza together. I’m always happy to have them around. On Friday night my parents take me and my younger sister to some restaurant. Last week, for example, we were at the Chinese place, where we ate noodles and fortune cookies. At weekends we visit some of our relatives and spend time with them. My uncle has two sons, who are a good company for me to play different games. My aunt has a three-year-old daughter and we sometimes babysit her. My leisure time somehow depends on the time of the year. For example, in summer I like attending the city museums and galleries. When we go to the seaside, of course, I spend most of the time swimming and playing beach basketball. In winter I prefer sledding and skiing with my classmates. From time to time, I go fishing with my father and uncle. It’s also one of my favourite pastimes. All in all, I’d like to say that people should have leisure time. Otherwise life would be boring. Написать 15 предложений о своем досуге
My School Моя школа
My name is Natasha. I’m twelve years old. I’m in the fifth grade. I study at gymnasium school number 1 in St. Petersburg.
My school is the best. My school is a four-storeyed building. Pupils of primary school study on the ground floor. There is a big gym in our school. Our physical training lessons and different sport competitions are held there. We celebrate holidays in assembly hall.
All classrooms of our school are light and spacious. There are physics and chemistry labs where we can make experiments. There are new computers in the computer sciences room. Our pupils often win the city academic competitions.
Teachers who work in our school are very good. Each of them teaches well and their lessons are quite interesting. Our form-mistress’ name is Irina. She is a teacher of Russian and literature. Thank to her our class is united and exemplary. I and all my classmates often go to the cinema, theatre, museums and exhibitions.
During summer holidays I miss my school. I like my school very much.
Меня зовут Наташа. Мне 12 лет. Я учусь в 5 классе, в гимназии №1, в городе Санкт-Петербурге.
Моя школа самая лучшая. Школа четырёхэтажная. На первом этаже занимаются школьники начальных классов. В нашей школе есть большой спортивный зал. В нём проходят уроки физкультуры и разные спортивные соревнования. В актовом зале мы встречаем праздники.
Все кабинеты у нас светлые и просторные. В кабинетах физики и химии есть лаборатории, где мы делаем опыты. В кабинете информатики стоят новые компьютеры. Ученики нашей школы часто побеждают в городских олимпиадах.
В школе работают очень хорошие учителя. Каждый из них всегда интересно проводит урок. Нашего классного руководителя зовут Ирина Александровна. Она преподаёт русский язык и литературу. Благодаря ей наш класс самый дружный и образцовый. Мы часто всем классом на выходных ходим в кино, театры, музеи и на выставки.
Когда начинаются каникулы, я скучаю по школе. Я очень люблю свою школу.