
Abraham Lincoln was an American president Hebrom when12th February, 1)When he was a child, Abraham loved reading and learning new things. When Abm2)he left the farm. He worked during the day and studied time3)he became a lawyer and was soon famous for his honesty and couragehe was elected the 16th President of the United States of AmericaWhile he was president, he guided his country through the American Chit War and stoppslavery. As he promised, "... this nation shall have a new birth of freedom-and that governmeof the people, by the people for the people, shall not perish from the earth.5)John Wilkes Booth shot him while he was at a theatre. He died 6)Abraham Lincoln was more than just a great leader and a great speaker. He wanted to makebetter for everyone. His statue sits in the Lincoln Memorial and, 7)to admire 'Honest Abe'people ve​

Английский язык


Я провела лето очень хорошо. Мы ездили в лагерь. Кормили нас там очень
хорошо. Мы там отдыхали очень хорошо. Нас возили в деревню, где мы копали
картошку и косили сено коровам, а потом пили молоко, очень хорошо. Спали на
сеновале в соломе и слушали сверчков, которые всю ночь не давали спать своим
треньканьем, но под утро мы засыпали очень хорошо. В 10 часов нас не могли
разбудить даже собаки, которые тоже лают день и ночь, как и петухи. Потом мы
вставали и бежали купаться на речку, но вода была холодная и мы бежали назад,
потому что купаться было неохота, все дни шёл дождь и мы копали картошку. А
потом пили молоко и ели хлеб с картошкой, было очень хорошо. А дома я
маме варить картошку и ходить за молоком в магазин. Ещё мне подарили куклу и я
с ней играла целые дни, а потом шла кушать картошку, но без молока, потому что
кончилось, а денег нет. А без денег не дают молоко, это только в деревне давали
бесплатно, а у нас не дают бесплатно, что очень плохо. Скоро пойду в школу
изучать какой-то проклятый космос и Анну Каренину, не знаю, будет ли хорошо или
будет плохо.I spent Leto Very good. We ezdyly in Camp. Very fed us there is good. We there otdыhaly Very good. We drove into a tree where We dug kartoshku and mowed down the Seine cows drink milk and sweat, very good. slept on senovale solo and slushaly Sverchkov, kotorыe all night sleep deprivation svoym trenkanem, but pod Morning We zasыpaly Very good. In 10 hours we could not Razbudey Even dogs kotorыe òîæå abused day and night, As and cock. We the sweat of rose and bezhaly kupatsya on rechku, but water has been holodnaya We bezhaly and back It would later something kupatsya reluctance, all shёl Days of rain and digging We kartoshku. A sweat and drank milk Elah Bread with kartoshkoy, It would Very good. And at home I pomohala mame kartoshku cooking and going to the store for milk. Eschё me and I presented the doll s Days of neu yhrala tselыe and sweat ho Bon appetit kartoshku, but no milk, something later konchylos and of money there. Without of money does not give milk, this is in Charcoal Only give free of charge, and we do not provide free of charge, that Puny. Soon Poyda school yzuchat some kind proklyatыy space and Anna Karenina, do not know Will Do Well ili Will bad.
1. There is nobody in the garden. All the visitors are in the museum.  В саду никого нет. Все посетители в музее.
2. Is there anything in the bag? — No, there isn't. Есть что-нибудь в сумке? — Нет, в ней ничего нет.
3. Is there anybody here who can speak English? Есть здесь кто-нибудь, кто может говорить по-английски?
4. She doesn't know his address, his telephone number, where he works. She says she knows nothing about him. Она не знает его адреса, номера его телефона, где он работает. Она говорит, что ничего не знает о нем.
5. If everything is clear to you, begin doing the exercise. Если вам все понятно, начинаете выполнять упражнения.
6. Is everybody in the classroom? - Yes, all the students are here.
Все в классе? — Да, все студенты здесь.

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Abraham Lincoln was an American president Hebrom when12th February, 1)When he was a child, Abraham loved reading and learning new things. When Abm2)he left the farm. He worked during the day and studied time3)he became a lawyer and was soon famous for his honesty and couragehe was elected the 16th President of the United States of AmericaWhile he was president, he guided his country through the American Chit War and stoppslavery. As he promised, "... this nation shall have a new birth of freedom-and that governmeof the people, by the people for the people, shall not perish from the earth.5)John Wilkes Booth shot him while he was at a theatre. He died 6)Abraham Lincoln was more than just a great leader and a great speaker. He wanted to makebetter for everyone. His statue sits in the Lincoln Memorial and, 7)to admire 'Honest Abe'people ve​
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