
PRESENT TENSE 8. I (drive)! You can sit in the back with Martin. 18. Thanks for this great time. I (have) a lovely evening.

Английский язык


Winter New year in Russia caught on immediately. Peter, however, was insistent and ruthlessly punished those who tried to old tradition to celebrate new year on September 1. He also strictly followed to the 1 January of the house of lords and commoners were decorated fir, можжевельниковыми or pine branches. The branches of these were supposed to dress up not toys, as now, a fruit, nuts, vegetables and even eggs. Moreover, all of these products were not just a decoration, but character: apples - a symbol of fertility, nuts - the incomprehensibility of the divine Providence, egg - symbol of developing life, harmony and total well being. Over time, the Russians are accustomed to a new winter holiday. New year's eve night became known as «generous». Rich festive table, according to popular belief, as would ensure well-being for the whole coming year and was considered the wealth of the family. Therefore, it sought to decorate all those that like to have in abundance in his farm. In the New year served a lot of meat, cereals and farinaceous dishes, cooked smoked, broths, jelly, beer, baked pies with different fillings.
In the heart of the new year table, put the meat of swine (often two to three week Piglet roasted on a spit), which because of its fertility was seen as a symbol of beauty. There was also a custom of that new year's buffet at its abundance must be equal to Christmas, but it should not be poultry, wild fowl, or a rabbit, because there was a belief that in this case from home fey would or ускакало happiness.
ПЕРЕВОД:Зимний Новый год в России прижился не сразу. Однако Петр был настойчив и безжалостно карал тех, кто пытался по старой традиции отмечать новый год 1 сентября. Он также строго следил, чтобы к 1 января дома вельмож и простолюдинов украшались еловыми, можжевельниковыми или сосновыми ветками. Ветви эти полагалось наряжать не игрушками, как сейчас, а фруктами, орехами, овощами и даже яйцами. Причем, все эти продукты служили не просто украшением, но и символами: яблоки - символом плодородия, орехи - непостижимости божественного промысла, яйца - символом развивающейся жизни, гармонии и полного благополучия. Со временем россияне привыкли к новому зимнему празднику. Вечер накануне нового года стали называть «щедрым». Обильный праздничный стол, по народному поверью, как бы обеспечивал благополучие на весь предстоящий год и считался залогом богатства семьи. Поэтому его стремились украсить всем тем, что хотели бы иметь в достатке в своём хозяйстве. В Новом году подавали множество мясных, крупяных и мучных блюд, варили компоты, взвары, кисели, пиво, пекли пироги с различной начинкой.В центре новогоднего стола ставили мясо свиньи (часто двух-трех недельный поросенок, зажаренный на вертеле), которая из-за своей плодовитости воспринималась как символ красоты. Существовал так же обычай, что новогодний стол по своему обилию должен равняться рождественскому, однако на нем не должна быть домашняя птица, пернатая дичь или заяц, так как существовало поверье, что в таком случае из дома улетело бы или ускакало счастье.
My best friends name is (любой твой вариант) We made friends a few years ago. We are of the same age. We live inthe same block of flats, so we see each other almost every day.Миша is a tall boy.He has got dark ark hair, large dark eyes, a straight nose and thin lip He wean spectacles He is a nice guy. He is very honest and just, understanding and kind. I inist him a lot and I'm sure that I can rely on him in any situation. He never lets people down. Миша is only 19 but he is very responsibJe-he finishes whatever he starts. He’s got only one shortcoming. He is a bit stubborn; nevertheless he is pleasant to deal only child and his parents love him very much. His father is a lawyer. He is the roost brilliaWe spend a lot of time together. We often watch video or listen to music. Sometimes we go the cinema or to the theatre, or walk around the centre of Moscow, visiting small cafes, museums, art galleries, shops. We talk for hours about all sorts of things (politics, love teachers, girls). We discuss films, television programmes, books.

I never quarrel with Миша. But if there is some misunderstanding between us we try to make peace as soon as possible. What I like best about him is that he is always to help and share his knowlenge thoughts. I respect him for his fairness, strong will intelleect and modesty.
nt man I've ever met. He knows everything there is to know about the law. His mother is a music teacher. No wonder  Миша is so talented. He has got a very good car for music He likes jazz and plays the piano very well.I miss Миша when we don't see each other for a long time Without him i would feel lonely and uncomfortable. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself

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PRESENT TENSE 8. I (drive)! You can sit in the back with Martin. 18. Thanks for this great time. I (have) a lovely evening.
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