Florence Nightingale was born in England in 1820 Into a wealthy family, but she did not want to lead an idle life and persuaded her father to let her learn to be a nurse. When the Crimean War began, she volunteered to go and help. At the front line there were many sick and wounded people who were not properly cared for. Florence worked almost around the clock for which she earned the name "The Lady with the Lamp". Her fame reached London before she did, and when she returned, she was already a celebrity. After the war she wrote a book and founded a nursing school. Florence died in 1970 at the age of 90.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Exercise 18. Read and retell the text. Pay attention to the Passive Voice forms. An American in LondonOne day I was told the following story.An American in London went sightseeing. He was taken round theCity by a guide and was shown many interesting buildings."How long did it take to build this house?" he asked the guide whenthey were passing a hotel."About six months, " said the guide."Six months!" cried the American. "A building like that can be builtin a month in America".Then he was shown a new building."And how long did it take to build that?" he asked."This building was built in a month, " said the guide."A month!" said the American: "In America a place like that can bebuilt in two days".Some minutes later they came to the Houses of Parliament."That's not a bad-looking place. When was it built?" asked theAmerican."You may not believe me, " said the guide smiling, "but that buildingwas not there when I crossed the bridge last night".
Many Russian people (person) have a plot of land out in the country called a “dacha”. It is (be) often a small house there where they can relax or grow fruit and vegetables in the garden. Dachas are usually a few kilometers (kilometer) outside the city. Dachas have been (be) very popular for ages. So Friday evening and Saturday morning thousands of cars, buses and local trains carry millions of people to their dachas outside the city. People carry bags, backpacks and small carts with what they need for a relaxing weekend at the dacha. You can often see cats and dogs in the cars as people usually take their (they) pets with them. Autumn is the most beautiful (beautiful) season at the dacha. All trees, grass and plants are green red and yellow and there are a lot of colourful flowers (flower). During the long, cold Russian winters, people can’t wait to return to their dachas. Ask dacha lovers about their plans for the summer. You will get (get) the most common answer: “We’re going to the dacha (текст не закончен?)
1) множ. число слова person - people
2) нужна форма глагола to be для ед. числа 3-го лица наст. времени
3) kilometer - a few kilometers (множественное число)
4) for ages - индикатор Present Perfect? поэтому пишем have been
5) their = их
6) превосходная степень прилагательного beautiful
7) a flower - flowers
8) will get - Future Simple (вы получите ответ)