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Turn Indirect Speech into Direct Speech. For example: ... Steven’s mother said that her son was out and would be back in half an hour - She said: Steven is out. he will be back in half an hour. Mike Arrog wanted to speak to Steven, but Steven’s mother said that her son was out and would be back in half an hour. When Mike called later, Steven was at home and his mother asked him to take the handset. Mike said that he had left his textbook in Physics somewhere and they would have a test the next day. He wanted to know if Steven had taken it by mistake. Steven looked for Mike’s textbook, but there were only his in his bag and he suggested Mike calling Igor who was at his grandmother’s. Mike was going to call Igor and asked his grandmother’s telephone number. Steven gave him the number and said that he was going to read for the test right then and if Mike didn’t find the textbook in an hour or so then he might lend him his. Mike thanked his friend and Steven wished him good luck. Mike called James and James that he had left his textbook in Physics somewhere and he thought that someone had taken it by mistake. Inna said that he might have the book, but his bag was not with him at that moment. He promised he would search for that in the first thing when he returned home. Mike asked him when he would come home and James answered that he was sorry but not earlier than six. Mike said that he had some other lessons to be done and James promised that he would call back with the results. Later James called Mike and told him that he has got the textbook and he could fetch it to Mike’s place in half an hour. But Mike said that he would come to Inna’s place himself if he didn’t mind. He asked when it was more convenient and Igor answered that any time, because he was at home from then on. Mike said that he was coming and Igor said that he would be waiting for him.