
Agriculture is the practice of farming, growing of crops, raising of animals to get food and other products. We can get fruit, vegetables, wool and cotton from nature. We can also get food from animals: meat, eggs and milk. People use wood to build their homes. Many other Important products, for example, medicines and paper also come from plants. Not all crops can grow everywhere because soils and temperatures are different in different places. Agriculture takes a lot of hard work. Farmers work hard to produce good food for all of us to eat. Farmers and gardeners may grow the same crops. Gardeners usually grow enough crops for their family. Most gardeners grow crops because they like fresh fruit and vegetables or they enjoy gardening, Farmers grow a large crop and sell it to earn money. Some farmers raise animals to sell. Both farmers and gardeners start work early in spring not to be late for the harvest. Read the text again. Are the sentences True or False? Correct false sentences. 1) The same crops can grow everywhere. Not all eropa can grow everywhere because soils and temperatures are different in different places. 2) We get necessary products from agriculture, 3) All foods come from erops. 4) Gardeners grow crop to earn money. 5) Farmers can grow crops and raise animals.

Английский язык


ПЕРЕВОД:Кошка любит лежать на телевизоре и смотреть в окно. Иногда Сюзи лежит на подоконнике, повесив лапу на занавеску, и спит. Иногда она любит поиграть с бумажным мячиком или моими ногами. Больше всех она любит маму.
В году у нашей кошки были котята: два мальчика и три девочки, они все были разноцветные. Когда они родились, то были слепыми и не могли более того ходить. Через месяц котята подросли, открыли глазки и стали бегать по всей квартире. Сюзанна никак не могла собрать их всех сообща. Она мяукала и звала их к себе. Но они подходили к своей маме только тогда, когда хотели кушать. Я очень люблю свою кошку.
The cat likes to lie on the TV and look out the window. Sometimes Susie lying on the windowsill, hanging hands on the curtain, and sleeps. Sometimes she likes to play with a paper ball or my legs. Most of all she loves her mother. Last year our cat had kittens, two boys and three girls, they were all colored. When they were born, you were blind and could not walk more. A month later, the kittens grew up, opened his eyes and began to run around the entire apartment. Suzanne could not bring them all together. She mewed and called them to himself. But they came to his mother only when they wanted to eat. I love my cat.

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Agriculture is the practice of farming, growing of crops, raising of animals to get food and other products. We can get fruit, vegetables, wool and cotton from nature. We can also get food from animals: meat, eggs and milk. People use wood to build their homes. Many other Important products, for example, medicines and paper also come from plants. Not all crops can grow everywhere because soils and temperatures are different in different places. Agriculture takes a lot of hard work. Farmers work hard to produce good food for all of us to eat. Farmers and gardeners may grow the same crops. Gardeners usually grow enough crops for their family. Most gardeners grow crops because they like fresh fruit and vegetables or they enjoy gardening, Farmers grow a large crop and sell it to earn money. Some farmers raise animals to sell. Both farmers and gardeners start work early in spring not to be late for the harvest. Read the text again. Are the sentences True or False? Correct false sentences. 1) The same crops can grow everywhere. Not all eropa can grow everywhere because soils and temperatures are different in different places. 2) We get necessary products from agriculture, 3) All foods come from erops. 4) Gardeners grow crop to earn money. 5) Farmers can grow crops and raise animals.
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